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FEBRUARY 1, 2018 -7:00 P.M.


The Warsaw Planning Commission was held on February 1, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at 78 Belle Ville Lane.  Commission Members present were Chairman Gary W. Palmore, Vice-Chair Mary Beth Bryant, Julia Blackley-Rice, Jonathan B. English, Barbara Jean LeFon and Hannah O. Tiffany.  Commissioner Faron H. Hamblin was absent.


Staff present was Joseph N. Quesenberry,Town Manager ,Lee H. Capps, Economic Development Strategist for the Town of Warsaw and Susan M. Pemberton.  Others present were Sam Lantz of the Northern Neck News, Randy Passaaluppi, Wayne Mothershead and Frances Baylor.


Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance and New Planning Commission Member

Chairman Gary W. Palmore called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Let’s all welcome and recognize the newest member of the Warsaw Town Planning Commission Hannah O.Tiffany.


Public Hearing

Chairman Gary W. Palmore opened the Public Hearing on DMO Exhibit 6 Amendment


The ad for the Public Notice was in the Northern Neck News and reads as follows:

Town of Warsaw

Public Notice – Zoning Amendment


The Town of Warsaw Planning Commission and Town Council are holding Public Hearings on Feb 1 and 8 respectively at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall, 78 Belle Ville Lane, Warsaw.  The purpose of the public hearings is for considering a zoning building height amendment as proposed by the town staff.


Exhibit 6, Schedule of Bulk and Are Requirements of the DMO (Development Management Ordinance) would amend the maximum height of structures in zones R-12, R-18, C-1, C-3 to 45 feet.  The existing maximum is 35 feet.


All parties in support of opposition to the proposed amendment shall have an opportunity to speak.  Action by the Planning Commission and Town Council is expected to occur following the public hearings.


The Town Manager and Planning Director can be contacted ahead of the meetings to review the recommended changes by calling 804-333-3737.


The recommended amendment is for R-12, R-18 and C-1 Zoning Districts for the max height to be amended from 35 ft. to 45 ft.


Randy Passaaluppi, Chief of the Richmond County Fire Department stated that he came to express his concerns as that the fire department  does not have a ladder truck.  This brings in a cautious approach with more than 2 stories and if people were asleep it is more dangerous on the 3rd floor to be accessible to in case of a fire. I am not saying not to do this but to have something in writing to state anything 3 stories or more to have a sprinkler system.  I feel with a sprinkler system I would feel more at ease with that size of building in town.


Chairman Gary W. Palmore closed the Public Hearing.


Approval of Agenda

The Chairman asked if there were any comments or corrections for the approval of the Agenda.

Commissioner Blackley-Rice moved to approve the Agenda with deleting #5 Approval of November 2, 2017 Minutes as they were not available.  Commissioner LeFon seconded and the motion with the following votes.


   Gary W. Palmore                        Aye                                Mary Beth Bryant              Aye   

   Julia Blackley-Rice                    Aye                                Jonathan B. English            Aye  

   Hannah O. Tiffany                     Aye                                Barbara Jean LeFon            Aye


New Business-Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary


Commissioner Blackley-Rice nominates Gary W. Palmore for Chairman of the Warsaw Planning Commission.  Commissioner Bryant seconded the motion with the following votes.


   Gary W. Palmore                        Aye                                Mary Beth Bryant              Aye   

   Julia Blackley-Rice                    Aye                                 Jonathan B. English           Aye  

   Hannah O. Tiffany                     Aye                                 Barbara Jean LeFon           Aye


Commissioner LeFon nominates Mary Beth Bryant for Vice-Chairman of the Warsaw Planning Commission.  Commissioner Blackley-Rice seconded the motion with the following votes.


   Gary W. Palmore                        Aye                                Mary Beth Bryant              Aye   

   Julia Blackley-Rice                    Aye                                 Jonathan B. English           Aye  

   Hannah O. Tiffany                     Aye                                 Barbara Jean LeFon           Aye



Commissioner Blackley-Rice nominates Linda S. Holsinger for Secretary of the Warsaw Planning Commission.  Commissioner Bryant seconded the motion with the following votes.


   Gary W. Palmore                        Aye                                Mary Beth Bryant              Aye    

   Julia Blackley-Rice                    Aye                                 Jonathan B. English           Aye  

   Hannah O. Tiffany                      Aye                                Barbara Jean LeFon           Aye





New Business – Height Amendment

There was much discussion on the different zoning and changes to be made to the DMO.

The Warsaw Planning Commission agreed to approve for a CUP to be requested in the R-12 and R-18 Zoning Districts and stating that in a C-1 no CUP would be required.


Chairman Palmore moved to approve to amend Exhibit 6 of the DMO (Development Management Ordinance) for Zoning Districts R-12 and R-18 to have to get a CUP to have a building 45 feet in height.   Commissioner Tiffany seconded the motion with the following votes.


   Gary W. Palmore                        Aye                                Mary Beth Bryant              Aye   

   Julia Blackley-Rice                    Aye                                Jonathan B. English           Aye  

   Hannah O. Tiffany                     Aye                                Barbara Jean LeFon           Aye


Capital Improvement Plan – Budget Schedule Review

Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager stated that the Capital Improvement Plan/Budget is part of the Planning Commission’s duties and then sent on to the Warsaw Town Council with recommendations.  The town manager stated he will get with the department heads and then will bring to the Planning Commission the backup for the 5 year plan and budget for the upcoming year. 


Lee H. Capps stated that it was official that S.B. Cox received the bid for the demo on the Gannon property at $134,261.


Commissioner’s Comments

Commissioner Blackley-Rice welcomed Hannah O. Tiffany to the Planning Commission.



There being no further business the meeting was adjourned by Chairman of the Planning Commission Gary W. Palmore.


There was a motion to reconvene the meeting in order to express sincere condulences of the passing of former Commissioner Harold Donovan’s wife Ann.

Many of the Commissioners attended the memorial and stated it was done beautifully.



Chairman Gary W. Palmore adjourned the meeting.







Susan M. Pemberton, Clerk of Council

Calendar of Events

Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Jun 06 @ 6:00PM
Town Council Meeting - Thu Jun 13 @ 6:00PM
Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Jul 04 @ 6:00PM
Town Council Meeting - Thu Jul 11 @ 6:00PM
Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Aug 01 @ 6:00PM