Purpose and Scope of the Comprehensive Plan
The Warsaw Comprehensive Plan is the policy document around which the Town endeavors to set a path for its future. The focus of the Plan is to establish a policy framework for the specific issues of land use and water quality protection. As such, this document represents the Town of Warsaw's recognition of its role in the protection of state waters and the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. The Plan is intended to carry out the goals of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act and has been developed in accordance to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Designation and Management Regulations.
It should be emphasized here that this Plan does not substantially address other typical areas of concern in a community's comprehensive plan such as education, employment and economic development, housing and health care, historic resources, recreation, utilities, transportation and capital improvements, except when these issues have been determined to have land use and water quality protection significance. The Planning Commission has committed to planning for these other community development issues immediately following the completion of this Plan.
Please click here to view the Comprehensive Plan.