Warsaw’s Commitment to Growth
The Warsaw Town Council is committed to an aggressive economic development strategy that addresses many of the core issues found within Town. Through tireless efforts, Town staff have successfully applied for millions in grant funds that assist in the revitalization of our Main Street corridor, downtown, and other areas of concern.
Both Council and staff have now recognized an urgent need in addressing vacancy rates of commercial establishments across Town. To counter this gradual loss of commercial activity, the Town is partnering with the University of Mary Washington Small Business Development Center – Warsaw Center and the Warsaw Richmond County Chamber of Commerce to implement one of the most aggressive and innovative economic vitality projects in the State of Virginia.
Economic Incentive Program
The Economic Incentive Program (EIP) is a formulated strategy that combines public sector, nonprofit, and private sector tools and talents to foster an engine for growth. The formula will be competitive and will require applications from the various existing and prospective business owners across Town. The Town Council, after an objective review process, will then award one new business per year a grant that will subsidize rent for one (1) year, creating a rent-free location for a new establishment within Town.