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JULY 13, 2017 – 7:00 P. M. 


 Mayor Randall L. Phelps called the Warsaw Town Council to order.  Council members present were Paul G. Yackel, Ralph W. Self, Rebecca C. Hubert, Auriel Walker, Ogle E. Forrest, Sr. And Faron H. Hamblin. 

Town staff were Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager, Police Chief Joan Kent, Lee H. Capps, Planning and Economic Development and Susan M. Pemberton, Treasurer and Clerk of Council.  Others present were Mary Beth Bryant, Donna Jackson, Fran Baylor, Greg White, Joanne Nelson,  Larry Thorn and Diane Lank, Town Attorney. 


Approval of Agenda 

On motion by Councilman Self the agenda was approved.  Councilman Hamblin seconded the motion.  The following vote was taken. 


   Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.         Aye                  Ralph W. Self              Aye 

   Rebecca C. Hubert          Aye                  Faron H. Hamblin       Aye 

   Randall L. Phelps            Aye                  Paul G. Yackel            Aye 

   Auriel Walker                 Aye 



Approval of Minutes – June 8, 2017 

Mayor Phelps asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of June 8, 2017.  Councilman Self moved to approve the minutes of June 8, 2017 as presented.  Councilman Forrest seconded the motion carried with the following votes. 



   Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.         Aye                  Ralph W. Self              Aye 

   Rebecca C. Hubert          Aye                  Faron H. Hamblin       Aye 

   Randall L. Phelps            Aye                  Paul G. Yackel            Aye 

   Auriel Walker                 Aye 


Financial Report – June 2017 

Councilman Yackel moved to accept the June 2017 Financial Report as presented.  Councilman Self seconded the motion carried with the following votes. 


   Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.         Aye                   Ralph W. Self              Aye 

   Rebecca C. Hubert          Aye                  Faron H. Hamblin        Aye 

   Randall L. Phelps            Aye                  Paul G. Yackel            Aye 

   Auriel Walker                 Aye 


YMCA Request 

Greg White spoke in behalf of the Richmond County YMCA stated they are raising monies to expand the location and the Goal is $650,000.00 and they are at half a million and are in need of  $100,000.  I am  

requesting the Town to contribute $10,000.00 and the contribution can be over 5 years or can be done in a lump sum.  I will be happy to answer any questions you may have stated  Greg White.  Mayor Phelps asked when have they set a ground breaking and Greg White answered sometime next year in the Spring.  Thank you and I appreciate your time states Greg White.  Mayor Phelps stated that we will have it on  next month's Agenda  so think about the request from the YMCA.   


Town Manager's Report 

Office Remodel 

Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager stated that he went to the General Assembly office sale and bought furniture for the office as we are in the process of remodeling the front office.   


GIS Tracking of Water & Sewer Lines 

We have the brains of all the water and sewer lines looking at retiring in the near future and he has everything in his head so we need to get this done before he actually retires.  We are in the start process to put the RFP out  for the engineer which will tell us every manhole and every line in town. 


TAP Grant Update 

We are working with Resource and their terms to work as project manager.  The project should be at a million extra and should be reimbursed by VDOT. 


Main Street Grant Update 

The status on the Main Street Grant is pending as we are waiting on the Governor. 

The land at the park owned by Verizon should be shortly finished up for the town to take ownership. 


Town Attorney's Report 

Diane Lank, Town Attorney stated that Joseph and I have the Recodification and it is in our laps  to go thru and then get back with Municode then in hopes to present back to Council. 


Police Report- Chief Kent 

Joan N. Kent, Chief of Police stated the Warsaw Police Department had participated in Fun Day at the Elementary School and handed out icy pops and police hats to all the kids.  We also attended the Sexual Assault Response Team meeting at the Commonwealth's Attorney Office.  Attended the Chamber meeting to plan for Warsaw and Octoberfest.  We assisted in Richmond County 4th of July event held on July 1 at the Fairgrounds.  We also participated in the Emergency Services appreciation day at Tractor Supply. 

Warsaw Police Department had 115 calls for service for the month of June which was 7 arrest, worked 6 accidents, but only had 11 summons due to equipment as we have been having problems with vehicles, broken siren, light bar replacement, etc. 

DMV Grant I have put in for funding for selective enforcement and new radar/lidar units and I will have more information after the meeting with DMV.  I have reapplied for the Bullet Proof Vest Grant and had Officer Tim Jackson and Bobby Moore fitted for new vests with the remaining money received last year.  The Byrne Justice Grant has been applied for and it is for $500 towards overtime pay.  We have two young men from Auxiliary and they are in the Rappahannock Criminal Justice Academy which are Albert Sanchez and Dalton Moore and their first day was July the 10th.  Bobby Moore is also attending a portion of the academy to regain his law enforcement certification. 

Lastly, I was asked by the Rappahannock Criminal Justice Academy to serve on their Executive Board of Directors.  They meet only 5 times a year so it would not take away from my duties here and the Warsaw Police Department would be able to give input in courses of instruction and day to day operations. 


Planning Commission Report  

Councilman Hamblin stated that the Warsaw Planning Commission  had a discussion on the Comprehensive  Plan on future land uses.  They also had a session on (FOIA)Freedom of Information Act which gives the public the right to request access to records from any agency it is often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government. 






Wastewater Treatment Facility Report 

Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager stated that the average flow from the plant was 180,900, a 300 gallon increase from May's flow average of 180,600.  Max flow  was 207,700 gallons, a decrease from May's max flow of 226,000 gallons.  This is due to not having a major rain event this past month which minimized the rain water entering the sewer system.  The average total phosphorous for the month of June of .10mg/l, which resulted in a monthly discharge of 3.8 pounds which puts us at 43.9 pounds for the year, 274 pounds allowed for yearly discharge and the year to date we are around 16% of our permit which ends December 31, 2017.  The average total nitrogen for June was 3.00 mg/l. Which resulted in a monthly discharge of 113 pounds which puts us at 753 pounds for the year.  We are permitted 3,655 pounds per year and the year to date is around 21% of our permit ending December 31, 2017. 


Northern Neck Regional Jail Report 

Larry Thorn reported that the jail report was in Council's packet.  The total population was 416 inmates on July 5, 2017 and by the end of the day it had increased to 423. 


Economic Development Report 

Lee H. Capps, Planning and Economic Development stated that the next monthly meeting for the Economic Development Council Committee will be July 25, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.  We are working with Washington Gas as they are collecting data to have a virtual pipeline here.  There will also be a Warsaw "For Sale" Extravaganza on August 23, 2017 where the pending locations that are available in town and will include  brokers, commercial investors.  Working on an Entrepreneurial Focus on Warsaw Opportunities which is a hand full of women and men that have working capital and are looking towards the future generations  with five active names at this time. 


Mayor Phelps requested that there be social media on the  virtual pipeline and it should be informative for the public. 


Committee Reports 



Chairman Yackel stated that there was a Personnel Committee meeting on Tuesday with the office staff and also asked for any suggestions for the Employee Handbook as we are getting ready to update in a few months. 


New Business – Gannon Condemnation 

Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager has been working since January on negotiating with the owners over a purchase price on what the locals call "The Bottom" to eliminate  flooding and blight in Town. 


Closed Session 

Councilman Yackel made the motion into closed session as permitted by Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711(A)(3) Real Property.  Councilman Forrest seconded the motion.  The following vote was taken. 


   Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.         Aye                   Ralph W. Self              Aye 

   Rebecca C. Hubert          Aye                  Faron H. Hamblin        Aye 

   Randall L. Phelps            Aye                  Paul G. Yackel            Aye 

   Auriel Walker                 Aye 


Mayor Phelps reconvened in regular session and Council certified, by roll call vote, That.  In the closed session concluded, nothing was discussed except the Matters(1) specifically identified in the motion to convene in closed session (2) lawfully  permitted to be so discussed under the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act citied in that motion.  The following are the roll call votes: 


   Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.         Aye                  Ralph W. Self              Aye 

   Rebecca C. Hubert          Aye                  Faron H. Hamblin       Aye 

   Randall L. Phelps            Aye                  Paul G. Yackel            Aye 

   Auriel Walker                 Aye 


Councilman Hamblin made a motion to give Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager  and Diane Lank, Town Attorney the authority to enter into furtherance of pursing eminent domain proceedings on the Gannon Warsaw, LLC.  Councilman Forrest seconded the motion.  The following vote was taken. 


   Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.         Aye                   Ralph W. Self              Aye 

   Rebecca C. Hubert          Aye                  Faron H. Hamblin        Aye 

   Randall L. Phelps            Aye                  Paul G. Yackel            Aye 

   Auriel Walker                 Aye 





There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Phelps. 



Susan M. Pemberton, Clerk of Council 


Calendar of Events

Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Jun 06 @ 6:00PM
Town Council Meeting - Thu Jun 13 @ 6:00PM
Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Jul 04 @ 6:00PM
Town Council Meeting - Thu Jul 11 @ 6:00PM
Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Aug 01 @ 6:00PM