• Downtown Winter
  • Rappahannock River
  • Fountain Christmas
  • Ribbon Cutting
  • Welcome Sign
  • NN Electric
  • Snow
  • Town Office



NOVEMBER 9, 2017 – 7:00 P.M.


Mayor Randall L. Phelps called the Warsaw Town Council to order.  Council members present were Vice Mayor, Paul G. Yackel, Ralph W. Self, Auriel Walker, Faron Hamblin, Rebecca C. Hubert and Roger R. Lee.


Town staff were Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager, Lee H. Capps, Planning and Economic Development, David Lee Ambrose, Chief Joan Kent, Officer Wendy McElroy, Auxiliary Police Officers Dalton Moore and Max Sanchez, Bobby Moore and Susan M. Pemberton, Treasurer and Clerk of Council.  Others present were Mary Beth Bryant, Fran Baylor, Dennis Amos, Donna Jackson, Larry Thorn and Diane Lank, Town Attorney.


There is an Amendment to the Agenda which includes adding a presentation from Hurt & Proffitt, Inc. given by Dennis Amos on the Stormwater Treatment Project for the Gannon Property.


Approval of Agenda

Councilman Yackel made a motion to Amend the Agenda with the 1 new item added after the Financial Report.  Councilman Lee seconded the motion.  The following vote was taken.


   Rebecca C. Hubert                     Aye                              Faron H. Hamblin                       Aye

   Randall L. Phelps                       Aye                              Ralph W. Self                             Aye

   Paul G. Yackel                           Aye                              Roger R. Lee                               Aye

   Auriel Walker                             Aye   


Approval of Minutes- October 12, 2017

Mayor Phelps asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of October 12, 2017.  Councilman Self moved to approve the minutes of October 12, 2017 as presented.  Councilwoman Hubert seconded the motion with the following votes.


   Rebecca C. Hubert                     Aye                              Faron H. Hamblin                       Aye

   Randall L. Phelps                       Aye                              Ralph W. Self                             Aye

   Paul G. Yackel                           Aye                              Roger R. Lee                               Aye

   Auriel Walker                             Aye   


Financial Report – October 2017

Councilman Yackel moved to accept the October 2017 Financial Report as presented.  Councilman Lee seconded the motion carried with the following votes.


   Rebecca C. Hubert                     Aye                              Faron H. Hamblin                       Aye

   Randall L. Phelps                       Aye                              Ralph W. Self                             Aye

   Paul G. Yackel                           Aye                              Roger R. Lee                               Aye

   Auriel Walker                             Aye   

Hurt & Proffitt, Inc. – Presentation

Dennis Amos with Hurt & Proffitt gave a summary of major task items that have been completed to date.

  • Base mapping for the Gannon Property and the stormwater conveyance system along Main Street and St. Johns Street has been completed.
  • They have completed investigation of the buildings that will be demolished.  They have received the report from the lab concerning the materials that were found at the site.  The report indicates that lead based paints and asbestos were found.
  • They have prepared demo plans for the Towns review and approval.  The demo plans address the presence of lead and asbestos.
  • Preliminary stormwater calculations have been compiled and the size of the pond has been identified.  The permanent wet pool of the pond will have a surface area of approximately 1 acre and be approximately 4’ deep. Discussions with DEQ have been held to determine the steps needed moving forward to gain approval of the plans.
  • A meeting was conducted at the Town to collect input regarding the amenities to be included within the park.  LPDA has prepared a preliminary master plan of the park for the Town’s review and comment.
  • Preliminary plans for the stormwater conveyance system to get the stormwater off of Main Street and into the new pond have been prepared and are ready for the Town’s review and comment.
  • Core samples have been drilled and the results of the sampling will be compiled in a report that will be used in the design of the pond.

Items that need to be addressed moving forward:

  • Get approval of the demo plan from the Town and move forward with bidding this portion of the work as soon as possible.
  • Get approval of the park master plan from the Town.
  • Get approval of the stormwater conveyance plans from the Town.
  • Finalize and submit plans for the conveyance system and pond to DEQ, VDOT, and other applicable agencies to gain approval of the proposed improvements.
  • Assist the Town with advertising and selection of a Contractor for the project.



Town Manager’s Report

Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager stated we are looking into installing up to 18 decorative acorn lights from Warsaw Baptist to the White Building which was the old school building.

DHCD Main Street Revitalization project is moving along.  The Christmas dinner will be held at the Relish on Wednesday, December 13 at 6:00 p.m.

The upcoming Christmas parade will be December 2nd at 1:00 and there will be a Town Float in the parade for council members and employees.  We are tentatively looking at having a possible Warsaw Grand Illumination on December 12th.



Town Attorney’s Report

Diane Lank, Town Attorney stated she has been working on the Gannon project and continue working on the Municode.


Police Report – Chief Kent

Chief Joan N. Kent stated that the police department worked WarsawFest & Oktoberfest on October 14th and all went well.   Trunk or Treat was at the Main Street Park on October 31st from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. and the kids had a great time.  Warsaw town police assisted with the Remote Area Medical Health Clinic on November 4th and 5th.

Officer Wendy McElroy had started with us as an auxiliary police officer and now has been hired full time.  On November 14th we will have 3 graduating from the Rappahannock Regional Criminal Justice Academy.  Dalton Moore and Max Sanchez were auxiliary police officers and we sent them to the academy with a contract to give us back 360 volunteer hours.  Officer Bobby Moore also had been working for us as administrative and now has been recertified as a police officer.


Planning Commission Report-Councilman Hamblin, Lee Capps

Councilman Hamblin stated that the Warsaw Planning Commission met on November 2, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. The guest speaker was Brian Belfield, DPT, Warsaw Physical Therapy/Sports Medicine.  Brian Belfield is committed for a healthy lifestyle and vision for Warsaw as a pedestrian friendly community.  He had suggestions of having sidewalks from High School to 7-11 because of how hard it is for the students to cross.  His suggestions were to add Crosswalks, Sidewalks from McDonalds to the High School therefore we could be more pedestrian friendly. 

Lee H. Capps stated that Congress Rob Wittman convened next door a Rural Broadband Summit that featured FCC Chair Ajit Pai and an area panel.


Wastewater Treatment Facility Report – Lee Ambrose

David Lee Ambrose, Jr. stated that the average flow from Town was 177,200 gallons an increase of 6,900 gallons from September’s flow average of 170,300 gallons.  The max flow from Town was 222,000 gallons and increase of 26,900 gallons from September’s max flow of 195,100 gallons. The average total phosphorous fro month of July was 0.10mg/l, which resulted in a monthly discharge of 4.3 pounds.   This puts us at 60.8pounds for the year.  Year to date we are around 22% of our allowable amount of 274 pounds which ends December 31, 2017.  The average total nitrogen for July was 3.69 mg/l. This resulted in a monthly discharge of 159.0 pounds.  This puts us at 1,256 pounds for the year. Year to date we are around 34% of our allowable amount of 3,655 pounds, which ends December 31st.

We have ordered the replacement sludge pump that went down prior to last meeting, and are waiting on the arrival of the adapter bracket to install this pump into service.  We had the air compressor dryer go out of service due to a faulty fan switch and relay, the item was purchased and installed on the drier.  Upon start up of the waste sludge screw pump this week to press sludge, we noticed the flow coming from the pump was abnormal upon further investigation it was found that the pump was pumping at approximately 30%, we have been on the phone with the manufacturer trying to determine just how to pull pump apart as we have spare parts on hand, and will attempt to fix it on site next week.  We had an interview with Ms. Jackson from the Northern Neck News and gave her a tour of the facility and some information so she could write an article on the operation of the treatment plant.  Berkley Cash successfully passed his exam and is now a certified Class 3 Operator.




Northern Neck Regional Jail Report – Larry Thorn

Larry Thorn reported that the jail report was in Council’s packet.  The total population was 457 inmates and 202 were Federal for that day.  By the end of the meeting another 18 inmates had arrived taking the total population to 475 inmates.  Things seem to be looking good for the Jail and the Town of Warsaw.


Economic Development Report- Lee Capps

Lee H. Capps, Planning and Economic Development stated the Council Economic Development committee met earlier this evening. There were ribbon cuttings at CodeBlue Technologies, Buy Rite and Heart to Heart Career Training Center.  Entrepreneurial focus on Warsaw opportunities

Were BroadBand and Verizon Wireless.

WarsawFest/Oktoberfest seems everyone liked the merging event together. 

Community/Main Street/Town Park there was Trunk or Treat and Food Lion donated the hot dogs, buns, water and chips. 


Committee Reports


Chairman Yackel stated that there was a personnel committee meeting on Tuesday with the Administrative staff.  The staff has been researching new software to have an updated system. 

We are looking at programs to cut down on the meter reading and billing man power hours. The committee wanted an Employee Appreciation Luncheon and it would be on November 15th at noon.


New Business

Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager stated that there was a vacancy on the Planning Commission that Harold Donovan resigned and this position needs to be filled and I have put this on Facebook to see if there are any interests in the community.


VDOT Resolution for Phase II Application

There will be an additional $1.5 million for sidewalks from Court Circle to Morgan Lane and revamp Court Circle to Jones Lane.  The costing of the project will be 80% VDOT and 20% Town of Warsaw over the next 2 years. (The Town’s 20% will be in kind match)

Mayor Phelps read the Resolution as follows:









Whereas, in accordance with the Commonwealth Transportation Board construction allocation procedures, it is necessary that a resolution be received from the sponsoring local jurisdiction or agency requesting the Virginia Department of Transportation to establish a Transportation Alternatives project in the Town of Warsaw.


Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that THE TOWN OF WARSAW, requests the Commonwealth Transportation Board to establish a project for the improvement of the Richmond Road corridor between the Rappahannock Community College and Court Circle/Main Street, Town of Warsaw, Virginia.


Be It Further Resolved, that the Town of Warsaw hereby agrees to provide a minimum 20 percent matching contribution for this project budgeted to be at least $356,470 of in-kind value over two fiscal years;


Be It Further Resolved, that the Town of Warsaw hereby agrees to enter into project administration agreement with the Virginia Department of Transportation and provide the necessary oversight to ensure the project is developed in accordance with all state and federal requirements for design, right of way acquisition, and construction of a federally funded transportation project;


Be It Further Resolved, that the Town of Warsaw will be responsible for maintenance of sidewalks and operating costs of any facility constructed with Transportation Alterative Program funds unless other arrangements have been made with the Department;


Be It Further Resolved, that if Town of Warsaw subsequently elects to cancel this project The Town agrees to reimburse the Virginia Department of Transportation for the total amount of cost expended by the Department and repay such previous reimbursed funds, if any, that are later deemed ineligible by the Federal Highway Administration through the date the Department is notified of such cancellation. 



Councilman Lee made a motion to adopt the Resolution for the VDOT Enhancement Transportation Alternatives Project #105961.  Councilwoman seconded the motion carried by the following votes:


   Rebecca C. Hubert                     Aye                              Faron H. Hamblin                       Aye

   Randall L. Phelps                       Aye                              Ralph W. Self                             Aye

   Paul G. Yackel                           Aye                              Roger R. Lee                               Aye

   Auriel Walker                             Aye   




Golf Cart Community Request

Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager stated that he has had a request for the Pinehurst to be a Gold Cart Community.   After much discussion everyone seemed to be against it and the request was denied.



Warsaw Community Achievement Awards

Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager stated to council that he thought that it would be a good idea to give a Warsaw Community Achievement Award yearly and he explained as the following:



  • Three winners may be chosen
  • Can be a business, person, nonprofit, etc.
  • The awards recognize outstanding accomplishments in the promotion and enrichment of the Town of Warsaw
  • This person or entity is seen as an Ambassador for Warsaw, spreading positive relations and marketing our Town throughout the Region and State
  • Winners shall be chosen by December’s meeting and awarded in January



The Council all agreed this was a great idea to recognize citizens that help enrich the Town of Warsaw.



Banquet Hall Ordinance

There are concerns of issues and problems that could occur in the future.  Mrs. Charlotte Jenkins is good if she knows something is wrong and stops it.  A couple of Saturday nights ago there were 100 or 150 up into Sunday morning at the banquet hall.  They were in the parking lot and left bottles in our parking lot also there were numerous Noise Complaints that evening. Mayor Phelps stated that this should be sent to the Ordinance Committee and to reach out to the Fire Department to define number of occupancy in that building and to work with Diane Lank Town Attorney.


Cooperative Office Space – Warsaw Center for Innovation

We will put this on next month’s agenda.


Closed Session

2.2-3711(A) 1-Personnel


Councilman Yackel made the motion into closed session as permitted by Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711(A) 1 Personnel.  Councilman Lee seconded the motion. The following vote was taken.


   Rebecca C. Hubert                     Aye                              Faron H. Hamblin                       Aye

   Randall L. Phelps                       Aye                              Ralph W. Self                             Aye

   Paul G. Yackel                           Aye                              Roger R. Lee                               Aye

   Auriel Walker                             Aye   


Mayor Phelps reconvened in regular session and Council certified, by roll call vote, That In the closed session concluded, nothing was discussed except the Matters (1)specifically identified in the motion to convene in closed session (2) lawfully permitted to be so discussed under the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act citied in that motion.  The following are the roll call votes:


   Rebecca C. Hubert                     Aye                              Faron H. Hamblin                       Aye

   Randall L. Phelps                       Aye                              Ralph W. Self                             Aye

   Paul G. Yackel                           Aye                              Roger R. Lee                               Aye

   Auriel Walker                             Aye   


Closing Comments

Councilman Self stated he liked the progress and looks forward to many things to happen.


Councilwoman Hubert stated she is working in town now so she can be at the different events to support new town growth. 


Councilwoman Walker stated she is looking forward to the future.


Councilman Hamblin stated he was excited about the Stormwater Park and all that is happening with the sidewalks in town.


Councilman Yackel stated we have had some big accomplishments this past year.


Mayor Phelps stated it is not over tonight that we were working on a new police station and with Gregory Packett to sign on the property and many more projects.  Thanks to each and every one on council for such a great year of getting things done in the Town of Warsaw and I look forward to working with each of you in the New Year.



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Phelps.







Susan M. Pemberton, Clerk of Council


Calendar of Events

Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Jul 04 @ 6:00PM
Town Council Meeting - Thu Jul 11 @ 6:00PM
Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Aug 01 @ 6:00PM
Town Council Meeting - Thu Aug 08 @ 6:00PM