• Downtown Winter
  • Rappahannock River
  • Fountain Christmas
  • Ribbon Cutting
  • Welcome Sign
  • NN Electric
  • Snow
  • Town Office



JUNE 8, 2017 – 7:00 P.M.


Mayor Randall L. Phelps called the Warsaw Town Council to order.  Council members present were Paul G. Yackel, Ralph W. Self, Rebecca C. Hubert, Roger R. Lee, Ogle E. Forrest, Sr. And Faron H. Hamblin.


Town staff were Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager, Police Chief Joan Kent, Robert F. Moore, Admin. Assistant and Warsaw Police, Lee H. Capps, Planning and Economic Development and Susan M. Pemberton, Treasurer and Clerk of Council. Others present were Mary Beth Bryant, Gary Palmore, Donna Jackson, Fran Baylor, Kevin Adams, Larry Thorn, Joanne Nelson, Cassandra Rich, Lloyd Saunders, Gregory Packett and Diane Lank, Town Attorney.


Public Hearing

Potential Sale of Parcels 16A1(5)D,F,A

(Former Nursing Home Facility)


Mayor Phelps opened the public hearing and Gregory Packett gave a presentation. He has made an offer for the Warsaw Health Care property and gave a presentation  of what he is thinking about doing with the property as it would have residentials and commercial facilities on the parcels.


Councilman Yackel was worried about traffic and that it may need a light at the location.


Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager stated that the public hearing is just for the purchase of the land and at a later time we would hammer out some of the other concerns if there are any.


Mayor Phelps closed the Public Hearing.


Approval of Agenda

On motion by Councilman Self the agenda was approved.  Councilman Forrest seconded the motion.  The following vote was taken.


     Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.                  Aye                       Ralph W. Self           Aye

     Rebecca C. Hubert                   Aye                       Roger R. Lee             Aye

     Paul G. Yackel                         Aye                       Faron H. Hamblin     Aye

     Randall L. Phelps                     Aye




Approval of Minutes – May 11, 2017

Mayor Phelps asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of May 11, 2017.  Councilman Self moved to approve the minutes of May 11, 2017 as presented.  Councilman Lee seconded the motion carried with the following votes.



     Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.                  Aye                       Ralph W. Self           Aye

     Rebecca C. Hubert                   Aye                       Roger R. Lee             Aye

     Paul G. Yackel                         Aye                       Faron H. Hamblin     Aye

     Randall L. Phelps                     Aye


Adoption of FY2017-2018 Budget

Councilman Forrest made a motion to approve as presented the Budget for FY2017-2018.  Councilman Lee seconded the  motion carried with the following votes.



     Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.                  Aye                       Ralph W. Self           Aye

     Rebecca C. Hubert                   Aye                       Roger R. Lee             Aye

     Paul G. Yackel                         Aye                       Faron H. Hamblin     Aye

     Randall L. Phelps                     Aye


Financial Report – May 2017

Councilman Hamblin moved to accept the May 2017 Financial Report as presented.  Councilman Forrest seconded the motion carried with the following votes.


     Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.                  Aye                       Ralph W. Self           Aye

     Rebecca C. Hubert                   Aye                       Roger R. Lee             Aye

     Paul G. Yackel                         Aye                       Faron H. Hamblin     Aye

     Randall L. Phelps                     Aye


Public Comment

Cassandra Rich introduced herself to council and the public stating there was a problem that on Tuesday at the Flea Market they sold guns and how can this be permitted without any kind of background check done.  There is a lot of violence now going on and then to sell guns to anyone is serious and I hope that the Town will take consideration of this serious matter.


Mayor's Report – Nursing Home Week Proclamation

Mayor Phelps stated that May 14-20,2017 was National Nursing Home Week and the Orchard had an event and it was well attended.


WHEREAS we honor and respect our elders and citizens of any age with physical or intellectual disabilities who reside in skilled nursing care centers in Warsaw, Virginia; and,


WHEREAS skilled nursing centers throughout our area are holding events in observance of National Nursing Home Week, May 14 to 20,2017, using this year's theme of "The Spirit of America," and,


WHEREAS I urge all citizens to visit a loved one, family member or friend residing in any care setting and offer a kind word, a personal touch, and spend time participating in various activities to unite those from all walks of life in need of our continuing love and support; and,


WHEREAS  my administration is committed to quality health care, we take this moment to embrace the essence of the theme "The Spirit of America."  Let's join all residents, caregivers, nurses, other staff, volunteers and visitors in celebrating their special week; and,


THEREFORE, I Randall L. Phelps, as Mayor of Warsaw, Virginia, declare the week of May 14 to 20, 2017, as National Nursing Home Week, a week to honor both our vulnerable citizens who receive care and the dedicated ones giving care.



Town Manager's Report

Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager introduced Kevin Adams as the office Intern and stated he was a local Warsaw resident and wanted to thank him for helping out in the office. He will be a Senior at Randoph-Macon College wanting to work in the political field. 


The two Old Welcome Signs have been taken down and I am working with the Chamber to construct new ones.


The Town of Warsaw has been mowing the medians in town in an effort to cleanup. Mayor Phelps also asked that citizens to help out with this as well.


Town Manager stated that they had meet with a Natural Gas Distributor and working with some of the large users such as the jail and school system.  There would be a virtual pipeline.


Police Report-Chief Kent

Joan N. Kent, Chief of Police stated there were 44 summons and 7 arrest. The Warsaw Police Department visited Cuddlebugs and the event that was held at the Orchard.


Planning Commission Report

Councilman Hamblin stated that they are looking into revising the DMO and what is the vision for  the town as in  Future Land Use Plans for some of the larger areas that are not developed at this time. 




Northern Neck Regional Jail Report

Larry Thorn reported that the jail report was in Council's packet.  The total population was 393 inmates on June 7, 2017 and by the end of the day it had moved to 408  and as you see with 105 being Gloucester they have been a good partner.


Economic Development Report

Lee H. Capps, Planning and Economic Development stated there was a job fair at the Orchard today and tomorrow which includes a higher quality work force.

Pleased to have Kevin Adams an Intern working with us this summer. 

Richmond County Fair is celebrating 29 years and it will be August 8th thru 12th at the Fair Grounds.  


Advantage of the millennium babies as Councilman Faron, Councilwoman Walker and Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager  which strengthens the community with their high tech skills.


Committee Reports


Paul G. Yackel, Chairman and personnel committee  had meet with the wastewater  and trash truck personnel and stated and stated how knowledgeable of  their job and are great at planning ahead.  Councilman Forrest added that he agreed and they are pro-active and on top of it.



Wastewater Treatment Facility Report

David Lee Ambrose, Jr., Chief Wastewater Operator stated that the average flow at the plant was 180,600.  Max flow from Town  was 226,000 gallons which occurred during a period of 2 heavy rain events on consecutive days.  The average total phosphorous for the month of May was 0.44 mg/l. Which resulted in a monthly discharge of 17.1 pounds which puts us at 40.1pounds for the year and 274 pounds are allowed for yearly discharge.  The average total nitrogen for May was 4.25 mg which resulted in a monthly discharge of 168 pounds which puts us at 640 pounds for the year and there are 3655 pounds allowed for yearly discharge.


We lost an employee and are in the process of hiring another to take his place.


Fidelity did a yearly service on the generator.  Oil change etc. again we were informed of the suggested actions to take due to aging coolant in the system.


Dryer part on compressor was installed.


We had 2 groups take a tour from the Chesapeake Bay Governor's School and they seemed to enjoy learning about the process of a Wastewater Plant.


We have met with  the Northern Neck Soil & Water Conservation  Office and looking into available grants.


New Business – Body Cameras for Officers

Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager stated that we want to be safe for the safety of the Town and the Officers.  The body cameras with software for all of the officers would be $1,800.


Councilman Lee made a motion to purchase the body cameras and software for the Warsaw Police Department costing the Town $1,800.00.  Councilman Forrest seconded the motion. The following vote was taken.


     Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.                  Aye                       Ralph W. Self           Aye

     Rebecca C. Hubert                   Aye                       Roger R. Lee             Aye

     Paul G. Yackel                         Aye                       Faron H. Hamblin     Aye

     Randall L. Phelps                     Aye


D. J. Jackson stated that the supplies are being received and will be working on the LOVE sing after school and storing supplies at the old Northern Neck Transmission building for now.


Closed  Session

Councilman Yackel made the motion into closed session as permitted by Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711(A)(3) Real Property.  Councilman Forrest seconded the  motion.  The following vote was taken.


     Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.                  Aye                       Ralph W. Self           Aye

     Rebecca C. Hubert                   Aye                       Roger R. Lee             Aye

     Paul G. Yackel                         Aye                       Faron H. Hamblin     Aye

     Randall L. Phelps                     Aye


Mayor Phelps reconvened in regular session and Council certified, by roll call vote, That.  In the closed session concluded, nothing was discussed except the Matters(1) specifically identified in the motion to convene in closed session (2) lawfully  permitted to be so discussed under the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act citied in that motion.  The following are the roll call votes:


     Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.                  Aye                       Ralph W. Self           Aye

     Rebecca C. Hubert                   Aye                       Roger R. Lee             Aye

     Paul G. Yackel                         Aye                       Faron H. Hamblin     Aye

     Randall L. Phelps                     Aye



Councilman Self moved to accept the contract on 5373 Richmond Road (former Warsaw Health Care Center)with negotiations to be completed within 5 business days and for the mayor to execute the contract for the Town of Warsaw.  Councilman Lee seconded the motion.  The following vote was taken.


     Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.                  Aye                       Ralph W. Self           Aye

     Rebecca C. Hubert                   Aye                       Roger R. Lee             Aye

     Paul G. Yackel                         Aye                       Faron H. Hamblin     Aye

     Randall L. Phelps                     Aye




There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Phelps.




Susan M. Pemberton, Clerk of Council

Calendar of Events

Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Sep 05 @ 6:00PM
Town Council Meeting - Thu Sep 12 @ 6:00PM
Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Oct 03 @ 6:00PM
Town Council Meeting - Thu Oct 10 @ 6:00PM