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MAY 11, 2017 – 7:00 P.M.


Mayor Randall L. Phelps called the Warsaw Town Council to order.  Council members present were Paul G. Yackel, Ralph W. Self, Rebecca C. Hubert, Roger R. Lee and Auriel Walker.


Town staff were Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager, Police Chief Joan Kent, Robert F. Moore, Admin. Assistant& Warsaw Police,  Lee H. Capps, Planning and Economic Development and Susan M. Pemberton, Treasurer and Clerk of Council.  Others present were Mary Beth Bryant, Dan Ream, Donna Jackson, Fran Baylor, Larry Thorn,  Joanne Nelson and Diane Lank, Town Attorney.


Public Hearing

Fiscal Year 2018 Budget

Mayor Phelps asked council if there were any questions on the proposed general, water and wastewater budget for the Fiscal Year 2018.There being none.

Mayor Phelps closed the Public Hearing.


Approval of Agenda

Councilman Yackel to amend the agenda to include an addition to the Closed Session for a  Personnel Matter  Section 2.2-3711(A)1. On motion by Councilman Lee to approve the agenda with the addition for the closed session.  Councilwoman Hubert seconded the motion.  The following vote was taken.

   Ralph W. Self                          Aye                 Auriel Walker         Aye

   Rebecca C. Hubert                  Aye                  Roger R. Lee          Aye

   Paul G. Yackel                        Aye                  Randall L. Phelps   Aye




Approval of Minutes – April 14, 2017

Mayor Phelps asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of April 14, 2017.  Councilman Lee moved to approve the minutes of April 14, 2017 as presented.  Councilman Self seconded the motion carried with the following votes.


   Ralph W. Self                          Aye                 Auriel Walker         Aye

   Rebecca C. Hubert                  Aye                  Roger R. Lee          Aye

   Paul G. Yackel                        Aye                  Randall L. Phelps   Aye



Financial Report – April 2017

Councilman Yackel moved to accept the April 2017 Financial Report as presented.  Councilman Lee seconded the motion carried with the following votes:


   Auriel Walker                         Aye                  Ralph W. Self        Aye

   Rebecca C. Hubert                  Aye                  Roger R. Lee         Aye

   Paul G. Yackel                        Aye                  Randall L. Phelps  Aye


  Public Comment

D.J. Jackson thanked the Town Council for assisting with the LOVE sign.  It is all moving forward and she is working with students and some of the supplies she has already.


Mayor's Report

Mayor Phelps thanked Vice-Mayor Yackel for running the meeting last month as he and his family had a nice vacation at Disney.


Town Manager's Report

Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager stated there is a quote in your packets for 60 American flags, poles and accessories.  We would like to put  on every 3rd light pole a  American Flag from Memorial Day to Veteran's Day.



Councilman Self made a motion for the Town to purchase the 60 American flags, poles and accessories in the amount of $2,193.68.   Councilman Lee seconded the motion.  The following vote was taken.


   Ralph W. Self                          Aye                 Auriel Walker         Aye

   Rebecca C. Hubert                  Aye                  Roger R. Lee          Aye

   Paul G. Yackel                        Aye                  Randall L. Phelps   Aye




Joseph N. Quesenberry stated there are recent more beautification efforts  being made in the town and  that being a Rain Garden  which will be at the park and  is 100% Grant Funded.

Also if we hold off another year on the VDOT sidewalks up and down Route 360 they will apply for an additional $1 Million Grant and it will be fully funded.   The construction would start sometime next year.


We should  know something about the grant monies in July for the Main Street Revitalization.

The town will be hosting a seminar on May 17, 2017 starting at 8 a.m. and Marc Wilson, retail consultant SBDC to learn more about how to compete with the large box stores.



Town Attorney's Report

Diane Lane, Town Attorney stated there is a light at the end of the tunnel and we could be as soon as July for having the Ordinances on line.  It will be sometime in the summer that council will vote on the recodification.


Police Report

Chief Joan Kent introduced Wendy McElroy as an  auxiliary police officer  for the Town of Warsaw.  The Warsaw Police Department worked the Healthy Kids Day and  Drug Take Back. On  May 24, 2017, at Riverside Tappahannock Hospital from 5:30 – 7:30 there will be an event honoring the men and women who provide first responder services in the region.



Planning Commission Report

Lee H. Capps stated that the Planning Commission is reviewing the Comprehensive Plan and having a Work Session on May 17, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.


Mayor Phelps stated he was into selling off the land at the wastewater treatment plant and expanding the sewer. He has been educating himself on DEQ since this is the largest asset the town owns and  is a 10 million dollar asset that  needs to be of importance and that is why I have asked a report to be given by Mr. Lee Ambrose.


Wastewater Treatment Facility Report

David Lee Ambrose, Jr., Chief Wastewater Operator stated that the average flow at the plant was 169,300.  Max flow from Town  was 196,900 gallons which occurred during a period of 3 consecutive days of rain.  The average total phosphorous for the month of April was 0.20 mg/l. Which resulted in a monthly discharge of 6.0pounds which puts us at 23pounds for the year and 274 pounds are allowed for yearly discharge.  The average total nitrogen for April was 3.40 mg which resulted in a monthly discharge of 108 pounds which puts us at 472 pounds for the year and there are 3655 pounds allowed for yearly discharge.

Due to a declining sludge product we called the manufacturers of the press and they advised us the wear parts on the press should be replaced between 2,500 to 4,000 hours of service.  We are quickly approaching 10,000 hours on our press.  The parts we were advised to replace include the press brush $320.00, screen at $3,968.00  and bushing at $85.00 for a total of $4,373.00.  This is something we should plan in purchasing in the very soon future.

Fidelity Generator which services our generator at the plant also advised us that maintenance needs to be performed on the unit. I have given you all a copy of their quote at $6,349.96.  This also needs to be put into future budget.  The most important piece of equipment on site  and would be very detrimental to the plant if we  were to lose power and this unit were to fail.  Last but not least we will be having a Field Trip by Chesapeake Bay Governors School on Tuesday, May 16, 2017 and will be teaching them how the treatment process works in a wastewater facility.



Northern Neck Regional Jail Report

Larry Thorn reported that the jail report was in Council's packet.  The total population was 423 inmates on May 3, 2017.  The Town of Warsaw should be receiving the NNRJ budget for approval.

Just want to say a thumbs up on the American flags as I am a veteran.


Committee Reports

Economic Development

Lee H. Capps, Planning and Economic Development handed out a marketing flyer and showed the (IVS) Virginia Economic Development Partnership which shows the prime properties for a locality saying we want to help you and we are here and welcome to a new business. 

Public Comment

Frank Johnson stated that he came to give a compliment in working with Mr. Quesenberry and Mr. Capps there seems to be a lot of energy from the Town of Warsaw and thanks it is a pleasure working with you both.


Closed Session

Councilman Yackel made the motion into closed session as permitted by Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711(A)(3) Real Property and Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711(A)(1) Personnel  Matters. Councilman Lee seconded the motion.  The following vote was taken.


   Ralph W. Self                          Aye                 Auriel Walker         Aye

   Rebecca C. Hubert                  Aye                  Roger R. Lee          Aye

   Paul G. Yackel                        Aye                  Randall L. Phelps   Aye





Mayor Phelps reconvened in regular session and Council certified, by roll call vote, That. In the  closed session just concluded, nothing was discussed except the Matters(1)specifically identified in the motion to convene in closed session (2) lawfully permitted to be so discussed under the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act citied in that motion.  The following are the roll call votes:

   Ralph W. Self                          Aye                 Auriel Walker         Aye

   Rebecca C. Hubert                  Aye                  Roger R. Lee          Aye

   Paul G. Yackel                        Aye                  Randall L. Phelps   Aye



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Phelps.




Susan M. Pemberton, Clerk of Council

Calendar of Events

Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Jul 04 @ 6:00PM
Town Council Meeting - Thu Jul 11 @ 6:00PM
Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Aug 01 @ 6:00PM
Town Council Meeting - Thu Aug 08 @ 6:00PM