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FEBRUARY 9, 2017  6:00 P.M.


Mayor Randall L. Phelps called the Warsaw Town Council  to order in Council Chambers at 78 Belle Ville Lane.  Council members present were Paul G. Yackel, Ralph W. Self, Auriel Walker, Ogle E. Forrest, Sr., Faron H. Hamblin and Roger R. Lee.

Staff present Town Manager, Joseph N. Quesenberry, Lee H. Capps, Economic Development, Chief Joan Kent, Lee Ambrose and Susan M.Pemberton, Treasurer and Clerk of Council.


Others present were Mary Beth Bryant, Darleen Nichols, Joanne Nelson, Mark Milstead, Gary Sanders, Larry Thorn, Mac Lowery, John Magruder, Ray Lucas, Jason Patton and Diane M. Lank, Town Attorney.


The Ad in the Paper:


Notice is hereby given that the Warsaw Town Council will be holding a Public Hearing one hour prior to the regularly scheduled Town Council Meeting on Thursday, February 9th, 2017 at 6:00 P.M. at the Warsaw Town Council Chambers, located at 78 Belle Ville Lane, Warsaw, Virginia.  The Public Hearing is to receive comments from interested individuals concerning the potential sale of approximately 625 acres surrounding the Warsaw Wastewater Treatment Facility.  A brief presentation will be provided by Town staff.  Any questions may be directed to Joseph Quesenberry, Town Manager, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,or at (804)333-3737.


Joseph N.Quesenberry, Town Manager gave a presentation and handed out a brochure. 


Mark Milstead introduced himself and stated that he was a resident and resides at 159 College Avenue. I  think if the right person were to develop the property it could be a serious consideration. 


Gary Sanders introduced himself and then stated that they are not "Making Land Anymore".  He stated he thought the timber should have been cut a long time ago.   Stating that he thought that the Town should not sell the property.


Larry Thorn stated that he thought the Town should keep the land as an asset.  When he was on council and was buying trash trucks with that price he thought it was for "A Plane" they were trying to buy.  We need to continue putting back Reserves and not be like Petersburg.


John Magruder, Consulting Forester with Three Rivers Forestry, LLC stated that if anyone would like a personal tour of the Timber Harvesting area at the Wastewater Treatment Plant he would be glad to take them at any time.


Edgar Milsted introduced himself and stated he lives on Hamilton Blvd. and he states that almost 700 acres and it could be developed into a Park and at this time Essex is looking at something like this to do.  It is the bottom of the market and you will not get what you could and even to develop.  We do not need to lose one of the best assets that the Town owns.




Lee Ambrose , Chief Wastewater Operator gave  a presentation

on the present production of the wastewater treatment plant and the projections for the future.



Councilwoman Hubert arrived to the meeting.

After much discussion Mayor Phelps stated there needs to be a Task Force of the entire Council be started and  would require work sessions to get a Strategic Business Plan on what should be done with the Strawberry Hill Tract.



Public hearing is closed and the meeting is recessed and the regular town council meeting will start at 7:00p.m. promptly.




Approval of Agenda

On motion by Councilman Forrest to approve the agenda.  Councilman Self seconded the motion.  The following vote was taken.


   Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.                    Aye          Ralph W. Self          Aye

   Rebecca C. Hubert                     Aye          Roger R. Lee           Aye

   Paul G. Yackel                           Aye          Faron H. Hamblin   Aye

   Randall L. Phelps                       Aye          Auriel Walker         Aye








Approval of Minutes

December 8, 2016 & January 12, 2017

Mayor Phelps asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of December 8, 2016.  Councilman Self moved to approve the minutes of December 8, 2016 as presented.  Councilman Forrest seconded the motion carried with the following votes.



   Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.                    Aye          Ralph W. Self          Aye

   Rebecca C. Hubert                     Aye          Roger R. Lee           Aye

   Paul G. Yackel                           Aye          Faron H. Hamblin   Aye

   Randall L. Phelps                       Aye          Auriel Walker         Aye



Mayor Phelps asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of January 12, 2017.  Councilman Lee moved to approve the minutes of January 12, 2017 as presented.  Councilman Self seconded the motion carried with the following votes.


   Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.                    Aye          Ralph W. Self          Aye

   Rebecca C. Hubert                     Aye          Roger R. Lee           Aye

   Paul G. Yackel                           Aye          Faron H. Hamblin   Aye

   Randall L. Phelps                       Aye          Auriel Walker         Aye


Financial Report – January 2017

Councilman Lee moved to accept the January 2017 Financial Report as presented.  Councilman Self seconded the motion carried with the following votes.


   Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.                    Aye          Ralph W. Self          Aye

   Rebecca C. Hubert                     Aye          Roger R. Lee           Aye

   Paul G. Yackel                           Aye          Faron H. Hamblin   Aye

   Randall L. Phelps                       Aye          Auriel Walker         Aye


Town Manager's Report

Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager stated that the Capital Improvement Plan has gone to the Planning Commission and they will make a recommendation to the Town Council at the next meeting. 


We are in a planning stage for a Warsaw Dog Park near the Town Park.


Joseph N. Quesenberry stated they are working with Northern Neck Soil and Water Conservation District for a $10,000.00 Grant for a Rain Garden /Stormwater at the Town Park.


Joseph N. Quesenberry stated that he had set up the Online Contributions for the Saddlery and the next meeting will be February 15, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.

There will be a budget work session at 6:00 before the March Council meeting.


Fran Baylor was introduced to Council  as she has been helping out at the Town  office and a big thank you for your services. 




Police Report

Chief Kent stated she had spoken at Rotary and all of the WPD were there as well.  Robert Weakley came by and we are applying for the DMV Grant .  It will be a year this month since I started at the Town of Warsaw stated Chief Kent.


Planning Commission Report

Councilman Hamblin stated that the meeting on February 2 will be live streamed and this will be the second one.  The department heads will be at the next meeting for a discussion of the Capital Improvements.

Councilman Forrest stated not to forget that DEQ is requiring  the Town of Warsaw to replace Well #2 or #4 in 8 years and then another in the next 10 years.


Councilman Hamblin stated that the next Save the Saddlery meeting will be February 15th at 6:00 p.m. and please feel free to come.


Lee H. Capps, Director of Planning & Economic Development stated that at the last planning commission meeting that the Capital Improvement Plan was introduced and they were shown where funds will come from.  Lee H. Capps stated that the developer was making a challenge to match and a Bank was making a  challenge but no monies for the move something as in the restoration of the Saddlery.


Northern Neck Regional Jail Report

 J. Larry Thorn reported that the Northern Neck Regional Jail Board held their meeting Wednesday, February 1, 2017.  The population for this month was approximately 393 and 142 were Federal Inmates and by Friday there were an additional 29 Federal Inmates. There was also good news from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Corrections that the Northern Neck Regional Jail on January 17-19,2017, will be submitted to the Board of Corrections with a recommendation that the facility be certified.  The scoring of a 100% on the Compliance Audit is great and I am glad we have the Jail in town.


Committee Reports


Chairman Yackel stated that there have been  meetings with all of the departments on the Tuesday before Council meetings.  Chairman Yackel was asked about the Personnel Handbook and he stated that it was at the same place.


Economic Development

Chairman Lee stated things were going good and the China Inn was moving ahead on their project.



New Business

China Inn Development; Proposed Economic Incentive

Jennifer Lee and her husband are investing ½ million into the new development.


Town tax relief for several years and from Richmond County also would be greatly appreciated. Looking into a 5 year flat at current tax assessments.  Joseph N. Quesenberry, Town Manager to check into necessary agreements. 


Closing Comments

Mayor Phelps thanked council and stated the Town of Warsaw is heading in the right direction and there will be Big News coming up.


Councilman Lee stated he was excited and a lot  more coming in weeks.


Councilman Hamblin is excited on main streaming but lost signal and will keep working out kinks.


Councilman Forrest stated he was glad that we have the council we have and proud how we work out issues.


Councilwoman Hubert stated she thought the personnel meetings were going good and it is good when employees feel worthy.


Councilman Self thanked council members for all their hard work.  The Northern Neck News wrote a nice article on the Wastewater Treatment Plant on how it was run and the process and what a great asset it is.


Councilman Yackel thanked Darlene Nichols for the great article that she wrote in the paper.



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Phelps.




Susan M. Pemberton, Clerk of Council






Calendar of Events

Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Jul 04 @ 6:00PM
Town Council Meeting - Thu Jul 11 @ 6:00PM
Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Aug 01 @ 6:00PM
Town Council Meeting - Thu Aug 08 @ 6:00PM