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NOVEMBER 10, 2016 – 7:00 P.M.



Mayor Randall L. Phelps called the Warsaw Town Council to order in Council Chambers at 78 Belle Ville Lane.  Council members present were Vice Mayor Paul G. Yackel, Ogle E. Forrest, Sr., Rebecca C. Hubert, Roger R. Lee, Faron H. Hamblin and Ralph W. Self.


Staff present was Town Manager Joseph N. Quesenberry, Transition Town Manager Lee H. Capps, Chief Joan N. Kent, Sergeant Mark Taylor, Administrative Assistant and Officer Ann Carey-Phelps and Susan M. Pemberton, Treasurer and Clerk of Council.


Others present were Donna Jackson, Larry Thorn, Mary Beth Bryant, Gary Palmore, Charles Riedlinger, Diane M. Lank, Town Attorney and Taylor O’Bier reporter for the Northern Neck News.


Public Hearing

Amendment to the Northern Neck Regional Enterprise Zone






The Town of Warsaw Town Council will hold a public hearing on Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall Council Chambers, Warsaw, Virginia.

The purpose of this public hearing shall be to receive public input on a proposed amendment to the Northern Neck Regional Enterprise Zone.  Citizens are invited to provide their input-either orally or in writing-concerning this application.

Copies of the proposed amendment are available for public review in the Warsaw Town Manager’s office at 78 Belleville Lane between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Individuals with a disability, as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), desiring to attend this public hearing should contact the Town Manager’s Office ten(10) days prior to the meeting so as to ensure appropriate accommodations are provided.


Mayor Phelps opened the floor for any Public comments.


Vice Chair of the Planning Commission Mary Beth Bryant stated that the Warsaw Planning Commission recommends to Town Council to approve the Amendment to the Northern Neck Regional Enterprise Zone.


Transition Town Manager Lee H. Capps stated that this would add an additional 22.9 acres to the Enterprise Zone with the existing Enterprise Zone of 937.6 acres then it would total 960.5 acres.

The Mayor called any other public or staff comments.  There being none, the public hearing was closed. 


Councilman Lee made a motion to approve the Amendment to the Northern Neck Regional Enterprise Zone as shown on Map #3.  Councilman Forrest seconded the motion.  The following vote was taken.


   Randall L. Phelps            Aye                         Paul G. Yackel                Aye

   Rebecca C. Hubert          Aye                         Roger R. Lee                   Aye

   Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.         Aye                         Faron H. Hamblin            Aye

   Ralph W. Self                 Aye






Mayor Introduces New Town Manager


Mayor Randall L. Phelps introduced Joseph Quesenberry as the new Town Manager for the Town of Warsaw.   The mayor noted that, “that the ball was not dropped during interim manager Capps’ service and that, “We are looking for great things in the future” from Manager Quesenberry.









Approval of Minutes – October 13, 2016


Vice-Mayor Yackel stated that the minutes from October 13, 2016 need to be amended as follows:



Landscaping – Town Office & Town Park

Mayor Phelps noted there are three proposals in the packet from Landscaping Valora, LLC. Vice-Mayor Yackel said it doesn’t seem like this will end. The immediate needs were okay but we have already spent a lot of money on landscaping. Can’t we look into other options such as hiring someone to do it for us?  Maybe Stuart Ferguson would be willing to take it on stated Councilman Sisk. Councilman Lee noted we need to be sure whoever we get is Round-Up certified. Vice-Mayor Yackel said some landscaping needed to be done but I don’t see the need for all these trees and bushes. Vice-Mayor Yackel moved to approve the $5,200 contract for sidewalks at the Town office. The motion was seconded by Councilman Forrest and carried by the following votes.


            Randall L. Phelps       Aye                 Paul G. Yackel            Aye

            Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.     Aye                 Roger R. Lee               Aye

            Faron H. Hamblin       Aye                 Mathieu W. Sisk         Aye


Councilman Yackel moved to approve the Amended minutes of October 13, 2016.  Councilman Forrest seconded the motion carried with the following votes.


   Randall L. Phelps            Aye                         Paul G. Yackel                Aye

   Rebecca C. Hubert          Aye                         Roger R. Lee                   Aye

   Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.         Aye                         Faron H. Hamblin            Aye

   Ralph W. Self                 Aye       


Financial Report- October 2016


Councilman Forrest moved to accept the October 2016 Financial Report as presented.  Councilman Lee seconded and the motion carried with the following votes.


   Randall L. Phelps            Aye                         Paul G. Yackel                Aye

   Rebecca C. Hubert          Aye                         Roger R. Lee                   Aye

   Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.         Aye                         Faron H. Hamblin            Aye

   Ralph W. Self                 Aye       



Manager’s Report


Joseph N. Quesenberry, who started to work earlier in the week as Town Manager expressed his pleasure in returning to the Northern Neck and his honor in being appointed Town Manager. 


Next, he stated that the Town of Warsaw is required by Section 15.2-2507 of the Code of Virginia to amendment the FY2017 Budget based on the projected 1% expenditures over the previously approved budget.   An advertised public hearing is required for the budget amendment.  


Moved by Councilman Forrest, seconded by Councilman Lee and passed unanimously by Council a motion to Advertise an amended budget for FY 2017 and conduct a public hearing on the amended budget 7 p.m., Thursday, December 8, 2017 here at Town Hall. 


Regarding the approved demolition of the old Sue’s Tavern located on 133 Main Street which the Council purchased in September and voted in October to demolish for expansion of downtown parking spaces, Quesenberry shared that he was in final evaluation of the demolition bids.


The DHCD Main Street Planning Grant - Mr. Quesenberry announced that the goal to submit a ‘full’ Community Improvement Grant in March with the NNPDC as the principal project manager remains intact.  To that end, the Main Street Project Team is meeting with Jerry Davis, Exec. Dir., NNPDC next Monday.  Subsequently, the Planning Grant Management Team will conduct meetings Nov. 21 and Nov. 29 with the project consultants and community stakeholders.  Council members are urged to participate in these community work sessions.


– Mr. Quesenberry recognized Transition Manager Lee Hood Capps to continue the Manager Report.


Public Works / Wastewater Treatment Plant December Open House – On Wednesday, Dec. 7 the Public Works and WWTP staffs will be conducting an open house for community members to visit.  The Mayor particularly encouraged Council Members and Planning Commission members to participate in these ‘on-site’ visits of the Scott Town 500 gallon water tower and pumping station, the Wallace Street WW Lift Station and the WWTP.  Additionally, Mr. Capps distributed a summary of water and wastewater monthly charges by area localities and/or communities of similar size as Warsaw.  The summary was pulled from the annual Draper Aden report.  The statewide average of all localities is $72.61 monthly while the Town of Warsaw charge is $51 per 5,000 gallons of water use.


Civic Club \ Rotary Presentation – Mr. Capps informed Council of his presentation to Rotary, “Let’s Make Warsaw Great Again….Let’s Bring our Millennials Home”.  He also stated that Mr. Quesenberry would be making an additional presentation to Rotary next week. 





Town Attorney’s Report


Attorney Diane Lank noted that she was pursuing the completion of the Municode contract and the consolidation and review of the town’s multiple personnel policy editions.  She also deferred other reports to the closed meeting agenda item(s).



Police Report


Chief Joan Kent underscored the ‘Community Policing’ philosophy and activities of the Police Department.   She welcomed Officer and Administrative Assistant Ann Phelps to the Warsaw team.  Ms. Phelps is dually appointed to assist the Planning Commission and Police Department. 


The Chief announced a uniform change from Navy blue pants and shirts to Navy blue pants with gray shirts. 


Officer Eddie Headley accepted the assignment as Radar Certification instructor for area law enforcement agencies.


Overall, the Chief reported only minor law infractions during the month.  She attended a grant writing class to further seek additional resources for the department.  She did announce that for two weeks later in November she would be on medical leave; however, accessible for both routine and emergency communications as necessary. 



Northern Neck Jail Report


Larry Thorn, Town of Warsaw Northern Neck Jail Board member, referred Council members to the NNJR which was in the Council packets.  The summary is that 351 inmates are incarcerated of which 121 are federal inmates.



The mayor next called for Unfinished Business Items:


Donna Jackson of VilDonEdutainment, Inc. addressed the Council.  In September, she had call for the creation of a town or county and town Arts Council.  Ms. Jackson described the contributions which the arts play in building community, especially among the school age population.  She volunteered to organize public art exhibits and offered to seek grant funds for an Arts Festival or Community Block Party. 


Councilman Ogle Forrest noted the very talented art students in the area with limited outlets.  Mayor Phelps proclaimed, “I do not understand art.  But as I kept listening last time you were before us…and this time, I don’t want to underestimate the value that art can play in our community.”


Ms. Jackson was encouraged to continue to create art outlets throughout the community without a specific charge at this time.


No other unfinished business items.




Planning Commission Report - Councilman Hamblin reminded the Council that the Planning Commission was in the process of continue review of the town’s ordinances and land use policies.  He highlighted the distributed drafted letters which the Planning Commission notes are authorized by code for the mayor to mail to residences and other property owners when scrubs, weeds, grass, etc. are unkempt.  The mayor took the letters under advisement and assigned the town manager to re-draft the letters for distributed when necessary through the manager’s office.   





Council Committee Reports:


Personnel – Chair Paul Yackel announced that the committee had met.  The unanimously recommendation of the Personnel Committee was to extend the ‘trail’ appointment of Ms. Diane Lank as town attorney to the full two year appointment, ending June 30, 2018.  Chairman Yackel so moved, Mr. Forrest seconded the motion which passed unanimously by Council.


In other action, Vice-mayor Yackel announced that the Personnel Committee would like to establish at least one meeting each month with a different town department.  He requested the Town Manager to establish the calendar for the department meetings.


The final personnel item related to membership on Council and number of members of Council.  Due to the resignation of former Councilman Mathieu W. Sisk, a vacancy exist.  By town charter, the Council has 45 days to make an appointment.   Councilman Ralph Self opened the discussion of the need for eight council members given the noted decline of townspeople becoming candidates for the open seats.   This lead to fluid discussion which the mayor, all members of Council, a former town council member and town staff participated in the deliberations.  Additionally the subject of continuing the Spring municipal elections or move the municipal elections to the Fall general election date was pursued.   Discussion ended with no change sought at this time; however, the manager was assigned to review the town’s Charter for future discussion and possible changes.


Therefore, the Council will be in compliance with General Statues and the current Charter by voting on a replacement on Council at the December meeting.



Utilities Committee


Private Septic

The Mayor had assigned the Utilities Committee to consider creating a policy/ordinance which would allow area waste/septic haulers to ‘dump and pump’ their waste at the WWTP.    Council Forrest related that the Committee along with the WWTP Director had review the license agreement between DEQ and the Town and at this time such consideration would not be consistent with the towns wastewater treatment protocols or the state granted operation license.  Therefore, moved by Chair Forrest, seconded by Councilwomen Hubert that private waste haulers cannot negotiate with the town to accept there septic hauls. 


Main Street Stormwater Collection & Removal

Utilities Chair Forrest called on Resource International Engineer Charlie Riedlinger to present the ‘Town of Warsaw Downtown Revitalization Project Stormwater Runoff Study.”  (RI’s report recommendations are included as the next three pages of the minutes).  Option V at an estimated cost of $968,000 achieved the most serious objective minimizing stormwater on Main Street and Sunset Lane.  Moved by Councilman Lee, seconded by Forrest and passed unanimously to accept the RI Study and support Option V of the study.



Council Comments

Councilman Lee – Announced that a community meeting, not a town meeting will be held Dec. 1 @ 6pm to discuss the re=location efforts of The Saddlery.  The Saddlery is worth saving if our community leadership wants it saved. This generated general discussion, from which Councilman Lee moved and Councilman Forrest seconded that the Town of Warsaw at no cost will provide a real estate option for where The Saddlery may be moved.  Voting in favor:  Council members Lee, Forrest and Hamblin.  Voting against:  Council members Yackel, Hubert and Self and Mayor Phelps.  The motion failed.


Councilman Self – Believes the Saddlery needs additional study.  Additionally more research on what and where and how the Levi Straus Property can be more valuable to the town.


Councilman Hamblin – No additional comments


Councilwoman Hubert – No additional comments


Vice Mayor Yackel – No additional comments


Mayor Phelps – Assigned jointly to the Utilities and Economic Development Committee’s a request to study immediate future use and value of the town’s Totuskey Creek property.  They are charged with reporting before the end of first quarter 2017. 


Regarding the civic welcome sign entering Warsaw from East Main Street, the mayor requested that the town manager review the ownership and replacement options for the worn out sign.


Other announcements of upcoming events were made.



Closed Session


The Council entered at 8:36p.m. and exited at 9:20pm Closed Session in accordance with Virginia GS 2.2-3711.











Return to Open Session



There being no further business Mayor Phelps adjourned the meeting at 9:50 p.m..






    Submitted by: Susan Pemberton,  Clerk of Council  & Lee H.Capps





Calendar of Events

Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Jun 06 @ 6:00PM
Town Council Meeting - Thu Jun 13 @ 6:00PM
Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Jul 04 @ 6:00PM
Town Council Meeting - Thu Jul 11 @ 6:00PM
Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Aug 01 @ 6:00PM