• Downtown Winter
  • Rappahannock River
  • Fountain Christmas
  • Ribbon Cutting
  • Welcome Sign
  • NN Electric
  • Snow
  • Town Office




7:00 P.M.


Mayor Randall L. Phelps called the Warsaw Town Council to order in Council Chambers at 78 Belle Ville Lane.  Council members present were Vice Mayor Paul G. Yackel, Ogle E. Forrest, Sr., Rebecca C. Hubert, Roger R. Lee, Faron H. Hamblin and Mathieu W. Sisk.


Staff present was Interim Town Manager Lee H. Capps, Chief Joan N. Kent, Officer Danny Maupin, Sergeant Mark Taylor, R. Wade Dunaway and Susan M. Pemberton, Treasurer and Clerk of Council.


Others present were Donna Jackson, Vilma Alesandro, Larry Thorn, Diane M. Lank, Town Attorney and Taylor O’Bier reporter for the Northern Neck News.


Approval of Minutes-August 11, 2016

Mayor Phelps asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of August 11, 2016.  Councilman Lee moved to approve the minutes of August 11, 2016 as presented.  Councilman Hamblin seconded the motion carried with the following votes.


   Mathieu W. Sisk                       Aye                   Roger R. Lee                Aye

   Rebecca C. Hubert                    Aye                   Faron H. Hamblin        Aye

   Randall L. Phelps                      Aye                   Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.      Aye     


Manager’s Report

Interim Town Manager Lee H. Capps introduced Wade Dunaway as he was just hired to follow in line with Mark France in the Water Department.

He stated that they are moving forward on updating the Personnel Handbook and Richmond County was doing the same as well. 

The next Main Street Program meeting will be on October 4.

The next council meeting there is a need to revise the Enterprise Zone.



Vice-Mayor Paul G. Yackel arrived to the meeting.



Attorney’s Report

Diane M. Lank, Town Attorney stated that the Town had closed on Sue’s property.

She also stated there was a lawyer’s conference at the end of October and she is checking on attending and may ask the Town of Warsaw and the Town of Tappahannock to share the expenses for her to attend.  She had also attended the Planning Commission meeting last week.


Police Report

Chief Joan N. Kent stated that Sergeant Mark Taylor has just completed the Forensic Science Certification.  Officer Maupin and I attended the Planning Commission meeting. 

Chief Kent stated she is trying to get enrolled in a Grant Writing Class.  The police department now can run information in their vehicle with a hot spot on the cell phones.



Northern Neck Regional Jail Report

J. Lawrence Thorn reported the Northern Neck Regional Jail Board held their meeting Wednesday, September 7, 2016.  The populations for this month was approximately 376 and 153 were Federal Inmates and by 5:00 that day the number had increased up to 165 Federal Inmates. Yesterday at the meeting Gloucester became an official partner of the NNRJ.  There will be an increase of employees that will be hired.




Warsaw Planning Commission Report

Commissioner Hamblin stated that the Planning Commission went on a field trip to the former Sue’s Bar and Grill.  The Planning Commission is working on updating the Comprehensive Plan.  The former Wardico building is a positive change to the Main Street with all the enhancements they have done to the building.  There also seem to be some clutter of signs that are not permitted and would like to have the support of council to have these picked up by town employees.  Mayor Phelps stated that the ordinance needs to be looked at first before removing those signs in town.






New Business

VILDON Edutainment – Request Donna (DJ) Jackson

Donna Jackson spoke that she was there to have the Town of Warsaw Town Council to consider the following:

  1. Establishment of a Warsaw Arts Council
  2. Identification of in-kind space where youth can engage in positive and creative activities, i.e., mural painting, art sculpture, spoken word, entrepreneurship brainstorming, visual branding education, planning discussions, etc.
  3. The creation of murals and arts screens placed in the town to beautify and enhance unsightly areas
  4. Usage of open space in the town of Warsaw for display of temporary community work of art/exhibits

Donna Jackson stated that she can find funding and is not sure how much this will cost but she has a Vision and she would like to come back next month with more information.


Warsaw-Richmond County Main Street

 Interim Town Manager Lee H. Capps reported for the Main Street that they were having Movie Under the Moon on Saturday, September 24, 2016 starting at 7:30pm at the Warsaw Town Park and the movie that is being shown is “Rudy”.

The Richmond County Museum is having a celebration for the 100th Anniversary of the Jones Act for Philippine Independence on September 24, 2016 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the William A. Jones Home at 5705 Richmond Road in Warsaw. 

There will be a Warsaw Main Street Project work session on October 4, 2016 at 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.




 Utilities Committee

Ogle E. Forrest, Sr., Chairman of the Utilities Committee stated that with DEQ’s new regulations that we will have to replace 3 Wells in town.

  1. Sunset Lane 2)Belle Ville Lane 3) Scott Town Road

The process would be to abandon and drill a new well every 10 years until all three Wells qualify under the new DEQ regulations.  This is the time to start putting back reserve monies for the cost to replace the wells.

  There is a tour scheduled to go to the Wastewater Treatment Plant on September 14, 2016 at 3:00p.m.   



Mayor’s Report

Mayor Phelps stated several years ago the Warsaw Town Council very wisely purchased a large tract of land adjoining our sewer treatment plant. The idea was that the Town of Warsaw may need the acreage, 623 acre property to be used with spray method of sewage treatment.  After completing the proper due diligence, the Council at that time decided it was best to build a new sewer treatment plant and not use the acquired land for sewer treatment.  Mayor Phelps planted some seeds in the council’s head regarding a 623 acre property the town of Warsaw owns. Can we, should we sale the property and put those funds to work for the Citizens of Warsaw? Is it possible to have the land re-zoned for residential development? Put into place the legal tolls necessary to ensure that those future homes could be hooked up to our sewer plant.   Mayor Phelps brought up the county’s need from the Richmond County’s Comprehensive Plan (part 4, page 7  and part 4, page 11) .  The Town of Warsaw has one of the highest water and sewer rates in the state of Virginia. 




 (2) Develop strategies to protect remaining potential reservoir site and


(3) Create reservoir protection districts designed to protect areas for future

reservoirs and accompanying watersheds.

(4) Continue to inventory and promote the proper capping and abandoning of

wells that are no longer in use.

(5) Support volunteer and non-profit organizations in public education on

groundwater, drinking water and private well protection, as they relate to

land use and potential impacts.

(6) Assist low income housing with access to safe drinking water. Develop a

program to protect improperly constructed wells.

(7) Identify effective and economical approaches to retrofit existing septic and

onsite sewage systems to provide additional treatment and compliance

with the Bay Act.

(8) Provide access for septage at local municipal sewage treatment facilities.

Work with the Town of Warsaw to receive and process septage from the



Land Use


4. GOAL: Protect the rural character and the viability of pursuing farming, fishing, and forestry.


ISSUE: The landscape of Richmond County has historically been a key component to supporting the County’s leading economies (farming and forestry) and way of life for its residents. Pressure on the availability of land to continue this use remained relatively low though the late 20th century. Population changes in the region and outside of the Northern Neck are likely to have an impact on the economy and how and where development is considered viable.The economics of the farming and forest industries have changed dramatically over recent decades reducing the numbers of “small” family farms. As people leave the industry, their property is made available for sale, opening the door to change in land use. Common in rural regions are commercially held large land tracts that, if no longer targeted for natural esource

based activities, are typically put up for sale and development. Sale of these tracts can lead to drastic changes in land use thereby altering community character. These changes are often not in line with community/local planning.


With changes in the regional population, it is expected that transportation infrastructures will see improvement. This reduces travel times and increases accessibility of rural land once not


Part IV Goals, Issues, Objectives and Recommendation                                            Page 7






(1) Encourage the development of efficient, well planned, and safe residential

areas where electric, sewer and water services are provided in the County.

(2) Work to expand sewer service in the County to serve more areas.

(3) Encourage the establishment of programs to support improvement and

upgrades to bring substandard housing up to minimum building code standards.

(4) Recognize the housing needs of the community and support the provision

of adequate housing and infrastructure to meet the needs.



(1) Support programs to encourage maintenance of owner-

occupied homes and renter-occupied units (for example septic pump-

outs, weatherization, energy efficiency, drinking water testing).

(2) Encourage non-profit organizations, such as Habitat for Humanity, to

become involved in housing improvement projects.

(3) Educate developers on federal and state resources (Community

Development Block Grants, Farmers Home Administration, U.S. Dept. of

Housing and Urban Development) that can subsidize the development of

affordable housing.

(4) Consider the impact of developing a mobile home park.




Economic Development


6. GOAL: Enhance the economic base and employment opportunities in Richmond County.


ISSUE: The region has relied on natural resources as a foundation of an economy focused on farming, forestry and seafood. Manufacturing has also played a role in the development of Richmond County and other Northern Neck localities but in recent decades has decreased.


The declining ability to make a living in the resource based industries (including the loss of nearly all seafood related work) as well as the loss in the manufacturing base are trends that will take considerable regional effort to turn around. This trend along with the kind of employment opportunities that have replaced those traditionally associated with the region make the economic picture in the area complex. Recent jobs have been in the service industry and few pay the same

wage as those they have replaced.


Part IV Goals, Issues, Objectives and Recommendations                                                  Page 11


Mayor Phelps stated that the potential benefit from the proceeds of land sale to be used for economic development within Warsaw.  Increased users on the sewer system should help to reduce rates.  He stated that he did not know the viability of this possible plan of action, but believed it is worthy for discussion and due diligence.


Mayor Phelps asked if all of council had been inside of the newly acquired property formerly known as Sue’s Bar and Grill located at 133 Main Street. He stated that he thought the building should be demoed and it would open up parking and eliminate one piece of blight.

Councilman Forrest made a motion for the Town Manager to get quotes on the cost of demolition from multiple outlets.  Councilman Lee seconded the motion carried with the following votes.


   Mathieu W. Sisk                       Abstained          Roger R. Lee                Aye

   Rebecca C. Hubert                    Aye                   Faron H. Hamblin        Aye

   Randall L. Phelps                      Aye                   Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.      Aye     


Councilman Dr. Mathieu W. Sisk abstained from the decision and stated that he had seen it and it is not pretty but he didn’t want to see the town tear something down without other people knowing it.  I just don’t want us to be looked at from the town as if we’re just mowing stuff down.

There were 2 contracts in your council packages from Landscaping Valora, LLC for :

Warsaw Town Park Lawn Area

Aeration of Lawn Areas, Spreading of Topsoil, Spreading of Grass Seed, Seed Starter Fertilizer, Maintenance level of Lime, Straw Mulch on Topsoil Areas only, Labor, Eqmt., Etc.   $2,265.00

Warsaw Town Hall Lawn Areas

       Broadleaf Weed Controls on Turf Areas, Aeration of Turf Areas, Spreading of        Grass seed, Seed Starter Fertilizer, Maintenance Level of Lime, Labor, Eqmt.,

 Etc. $1,910.00


Councilman Lee made a motion for the Mayor to sign the above (2) contracts with Landscaping Valora, LLC for a total of $4,175.00.  Councilman Forrest seconded the motion carried with the following votes.


   Mathieu W. Sisk                       Aye                   Roger R. Lee                Aye

   Rebecca C. Hubert                    Aye                   Faron H. Hamblin        Aye

   Randall L. Phelps                      Aye                   Ogle E. Forrest, Sr.      Aye     



Council Comments

Councilman Sisk stated that he thought the request from Donna Jackson was a great idea to get young people active in the town with Arts and Music.


Councilwoman Hubert stated that she was excited about Main Street.  Also wish the tour to the Wastewater Treatment Plant was later on like 5:30.


Councilman Hamblin stated he thought the idea of getting the young people involved was a great idea.


Councilman Forrest agreed with getting the youth involved. There are some amazing art students at RHS and RCC. We will do what we can to place and display the art work. This can help the businesses and will be a WIN/WIN

situation for all of Warsaw.


Mayor Phelps stated that we could do something like Montross does with First Fridays having arts and concerts.


Councilman Yackel asked how the social media was doing and events could be out there on Facebook or web site as there needs to be a Social Media Policy and Procedure in place.


Councilman Lee stated he was very satisfied with Main Street and the works on the weeds have made things in town look so much better.


 There are interviews set up for Monday for the Town Manager’s position at 7:00p.m.



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Phelps.





Susan M. Pemberton, Clerk of Council


Calendar of Events

Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Jun 06 @ 6:00PM
Town Council Meeting - Thu Jun 13 @ 6:00PM
Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Jul 04 @ 6:00PM
Town Council Meeting - Thu Jul 11 @ 6:00PM
Planning Commission Meeting - Thu Aug 01 @ 6:00PM