JULY 14, 2016
7:00 P.M.
Mayor Randall L. Phelps called the Warsaw Town Council to order in Council Chambers at 78 Belle Ville Lane. Council members present were Vice-Mayor Paul G. Yackel, Ralph W. Self, Ogle E. Forrest, Sr., Rebecca C. Hubert, Roger R. Lee, Faron H. Hamblin and Mathieu W. Sisk.
Staff present was Interim Town Manager Lee H. Capps, Interim Police Chief Joan N. Kent, Officer Danny Maupin, Sergeant Mark Taylor and
Susan M. Pemberton, Treasurer and Clerk of Council.
Others present were Mary Beth Bryant, Domingo Ramirez, Floyd Oslin, Ulysess Turner, Randy Passagaluppi, Ben Lewis, Diane Lank, Larry Thorn, Sara Carroll and William Washington.
Mayor Randall L. Phelps stated that the target for Town Council was to be pro-active and be successful. He stated his door is open and he wants to know what is going on. The council packages had a Committee List with each council member on one or more of the committees. The Finance Committee needs to make sure we are being efficient. The Utilities Committee needs to make sure they are looking out in the best interest of the citizens. In addition to looking at the land that we own and what is the best way to utilize it and should we keep it or work with the County and develop. The Personnel Committee need to look at the real view of duties and restructure staffing for today needs and the employee hand book to be updated. The Economic Development Committee needs to look at the recent purchase from Northern Neck Transmission and design around since it is in the middle of Main Street and Northern Neck Planning District Commission is working with us on a Downtown design. The Health & Safety Committee needs to work on what the police department should be or keep it as is. The Ordinance Committee needs to work on making it easier to bring a business to the Town of Warsaw because we do want new businesses here. The Warsaw Planning Commission needs to think outside of the box and say- How can we get it done?
Approval of Minutes – June 9, 2016
Mayor Phelps asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of June 9, 2016. Councilman Lee moved to approve the minutes of the June 9, 2016 as presented. Councilman Forrest seconded and the motion carried with the following votes.
Mathieu W. Sisk Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
Rebecca C. Hubert Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Ogle E. Forrest, Sr. Aye Roger R. Lee Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Faron H. Hamblin Aye
Financial Report – June 2016
Mayor Phelps asked if there were any questions on the Financial Report for June 2016. Councilman Forrest moved to accept the Financial Report for June 2016 as presented. Councilman Lee seconded and the motion passed with the following votes.
Mathieu W. Sisk Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
Rebecca C. Hubert Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Ogle E. Forrest, Sr. Aye Roger R. Lee Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Faron H. Hamblin Aye
Manager’s Report
Lee H. Capps, Interim Town Manager stated there was a meeting at the town office on June 29th for the Main Street Program with some local business owners and it was very productive. The next meeting will be on July 27, 2016 at 4:30 and on August 31, 2016 working on marketing and branding. The Warsaw Town Park was awarded #1 for Playground in The Rivah magazine and I think Council should be very proud of this accomplishment.
Police Report
Interim Chief of Police Joan N. Kent stated that the monthly report was in the council packets. Today they had worked with the YMCA leadership program. I have had to do a lot of the administrative paperwork in the office. We have cleaned the evidence room and videotaped it. I have applied for the 599 Grant and we are working on the data base for better call stats. I have also been working on the Personnel manual. We have had 2 police officers apply for the opening for an officer and it will close on July the 15th.
Northern Neck Regional Jail Report
J. Lawrence Thorn reported the Northern Neck Regional Jail Board held their monthly meeting Wednesday, July 6, 2016. The population for this month was approximately 343 of which 143 were Federal Inmates and by the end of the day Federal Inmates had increased to 168. The Town of Warsaw will have to sign a Resolution. We have no property ownership but will have a vote as in the past.
Warsaw Planning Commission Report
Faron H. Hamblin stated the Planning Commission has been reviewing and discussing (4) Areas in the Comprehensive Plan and are moving in the right direction. The Warsaw Planning Commission has made a recommendation for a request to amend the Ordinance Section 9.24.020 Discharge of Firearms Prohibited- Exceptions :Subsection A
9.24.020 Discharging firearms prohibited – Exceptions
It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge
A firearm within the Town, except:
- A duly authorized law officer acting in the line of duty.
Section A Amended to Read:
- A duly authorized law enforcement officer or Animal Control Warden acting in the line of duty.
This request was made by Sheriff Steve Smith to Chief Joan Kent. For the past several months, Town Police and the County Animal Warden have witnessed an influx of coyotes, foxes, and groundhogs taking up residence within the Town limits close to homes and other occupied areas. Most of the animals can be trapped and released elsewhere with the exception of coyotes. However, it can sometimes take up to two or three weeks for a nuisance wild animal to go into a trap, if they go at all.
In order to safeguard Town citizens and their pets, the Sheriff’s Office has purchased a .22 rifle with a silencer for the Animal Control Warden to use in situations where trapping is not an option. Therefore, it is requested that the term “Animal Control Warden” be added to Section A.
Councilman Forrest made a motion to amend Section 9.24.020 Subsection A to read as follows: Discharging firearms prohibited- Exceptions
It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge a firearm with the Town, except
- A duly authorized law enforcement officer or Animal Control Warden acting in the line of duty.
Councilman Lee seconded the motion. The following vote was taken.
Mathieu W. Sisk Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
Rebecca C. Hubert Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Ogle E. Forrest, Sr. Aye Roger R. Lee Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Faron H. Hamblin Aye
Committee Report
Chairman Yackel, Chairman of the Personnel Committee stated that they had a meeting and met with Diane Lank for the opening of Town Attorney.
Unfinished Business
Newly Elected Officials Conference – July 22-23, 2016
Mayor Phelps stated that the information that you will receive and learn is very informative. I am so glad that Councilman Hamblin and Councilman Sisk are both attending.
New Business
Appointment – Town Manager, Zoning Administrator & Director of Public Safety
Vice-Mayor Yackel made a motion to appoint Lee H. Capps as Town Manager, Zoning Administrator and Director of Public Safety until there is someone hired for the permanent position. Councilman Self seconded the motion. The following vote was taken.
Mathieu W. Sisk Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
Rebecca C. Hubert Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Ogle E. Forrest, Sr. Aye Roger R. Lee Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Faron H. Hamblin Aye
Mayor Phelps stated that the Personnel Committee will meet July 18, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. with Springsted and they have narrowed it down to 5 names and resumes for us to review.
New Business
Appointment – Treasurer /Clerk
Vice Mayor Yackel made a motion to appoint Susan M. Pemberton as Town Treasurer and Clerk of Council. Councilman Forrest seconded the motion. The following vote was taken.
Mathieu W. Sisk Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
Rebecca C. Hubert Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Ogle E. Forrest, Sr. Aye Roger R. Lee Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Faron H. Hamblin Aye
New Business
Chief of Police
Vice Mayor Yackel made a motion to appoint Joan N. Kent as Chief of Police. Councilman Forrest seconded the motion. The following vote was taken.
Mathieu W. Sisk Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
Rebecca C. Hubert Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Ogle E. Forrest, Sr. Aye Roger R. Lee Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Faron H. Hamblin Aye
New Business
Check Signers
Councilman Forrest nominated Mayor Phelps, Vice Mayor Yackel, Councilman Self and Treasurer Susan M. Pemberton to serve as Check Signers for the Town of Warsaw. His motion was seconded by Councilman Lee. The following vote was taken.
Mathieu W. Sisk Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
Rebecca C. Hubert Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Ogle E. Forrest, Sr. Aye Roger R. Lee Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Faron H. Hamblin Aye
New Business
Town Attorney
Vice Mayor Yackel made a motion to appoint Diane Lank as Town Attorney for a 3 month breaking in period and then if both parties are happy with each other a 2 year appointment. Councilman Lee seconded the motion. The following vote was taken.
Mathieu W. Sisk Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
Rebecca C. Hubert Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Ogle E. Forrest, Sr. Aye Roger R. Lee Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Faron H. Hamblin Aye
New Business
Approval of Zoning Map
Councilman Forrest made a motion to adopt the new Zoning Map and a thank you to the Northern Neck Planning District Commission. Councilman Lee seconded the motion. The following vote was taken.
Mathieu W. Sisk Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
Rebecca C. Hubert Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Ogle E. Forrest, Sr. Aye Roger R. Lee Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Faron H. Hamblin Aye
New Business
Landscaping Quotes – Valora, LLC
Councilman Lee stated that he had gotten quotes for Town Hall, sidewalks and the park to beautify the appearance of the Town of Warsaw. Councilman Lee introduced Domingo Ramirez and Floyd Oslin with Landscaping Valora, LLC. They gave a presentation of having the park with something blooming at all times of the year with shrubs as well as spraying curbs and gutters thru out the town and some landscaping at town hall. After much discussion it was referred to the Utilities Committee to determine the priorities. Councilman Lee made a motion to authorize the Mayor to execute a contract not to exceed $10,000.00 with the recommendations from the Utilities Committee. Councilman Forrest seconded the motion. The following vote was taken.
Mathieu W. Sisk Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
Rebecca C. Hubert Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Ogle E. Forrest, Sr. Aye Roger R. Lee Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Faron H. Hamblin Aye
Chairman Forrest of the Utilities Committee then asked for a committee meeting to be Monday, August 18, 2016 at 7:00 after the Personnel Committee meeting.
Comments From Public
Ulysess Turner introduced himself to council and handed out brochures for the Empowering Youth for Positive Change. We concentrate on the development and implementations of services that strengthen distressed(troubled) families and allows children to receive the help they need in their own homes and schools. The mentoring program is not funded at all. Therefore we are requesting funding of $5,000.00 from the Town of Warsaw to help with this program. After much discussion there was a motion from Councilman Lee to send this request to the Finance committee and have them bring back at next month’s meeting a recommendation to council. Councilman Hamblin seconded the motion. The following vote was taken.
Mathieu W. Sisk Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
Rebecca C. Hubert Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Ogle E. Forrest, Sr. Aye Roger R. Lee Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Faron H. Hamblin Aye
Mayor Phelps then presented Randy Passagaluppi with the Richmond County Volunteer Fire Department with a contribution from the Town of Warsaw in the amount of $12,500.00. Randy Passagaluppi thanked the town council for the contribution and the monies are spent for much needed equipment, fuel and protective gear.
Sara Carroll, President of the Warsaw-Richmond County Chamber of Commerce has requested to use the Old Warsaw Health Care lot to display the “LOVE” travel sign. This will be the week of Warsaw Fest October 3 thru the 10th. Councilman Lee made a motion to allow the Warsaw-Richmond County Chamber to use the Old Warsaw Health Care lot to display the “LOVE” travel sign. Councilman Forrest seconded the motion. The following vote was taken.
Mathieu W. Sisk Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
Rebecca C. Hubert Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Ogle E. Forrest, Sr. Aye Roger R. Lee Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Faron H. Hamblin Aye
Council Comments
Mayor Phelps stated that he had received in the mail an invitation for the Richmond County Fair Grand Opening and hopes that council will be there to support this event.
Councilman Self encouraged Council to attend the opening night for the fair.
Councilman Sisk stated he had enjoyed his first Council meeting.
Councilwoman Hubert stated she is excited about the Jail Agreement and the new Chief of Police and hopefully in 3 months we will have a new Town Attorney.
Councilman Hamblin stated he was excited for his first Council meeting.
Councilman Forrest welcomed Dr. Sisk and Faron Hamblin to the Town Council and he stated he is looking forward in working with the two of you.
Councilman Yackel made a suggestion to print the financial reports on front and back of the paper to cut down on the paper for town council packages.
Councilman Lee stated this was the first meeting with the new Council
members and welcomed them. The Park is an ongoing project to make the community better and we are proud of the award received from the Rivah magazine.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Phelps.
Susan M. Pemberton, Clerk of Council