MAY 12, 2016
7:00 P.M.
Mayor Mark Milstead called the Warsaw Town Council to order.
Council members present were Paul G. Yackel, Ralph W. Self, William L. Washington, IV, Ogle E. Forrest, Sr., Rebecca C. Hubert and Randall L. Phelps.
Chairman Gary W. Palmore called the Warsaw Planning Commission into session. Members present were William L. Washington, IV, Harold W. Donovan, Faron H. Hamblin, Barbara J. LeFon and Mary Beth Bryant.
Town staff present included Lee H. Capps, Interim Town Manager, Interim Chief of Police Joan Kent, Officer Miles Turner and Susan M. Pemberton, Treasurer and Clerk of Council. Others present were Carter White, Doreen Ng-Sui-tting, Robert Ridgell with VDOT and David B. Woolard, Auriel Walker, Larry Thorn, Sheriff Steve Smith and Amanda Chisholm reporter for the Northern Neck News.
Public Hearing
CUP-American Open Combat Karate – 98 Main Street
Public Hearing
On Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 7PM, the Warsaw Planning Commission and the Warsaw Town Council will hold a special meeting and joint public hearing in the Robert W. Lowery Municipal Building 78 Belle Ville Lane, Warsaw, Virginia.
The purpose of the hearing is to consider and act upon the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) request of Andrew Hudnall to operate a martial arts and fitness center at 98 Main Street.
Interested parties may contact the town office at (804) 333-3737 for further information.
Vice-Chairman Washington made a motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for the American Open Combat Karate to operate a karate studio, fitness and martial arts, at 98 Main Street. Commissioner Hamblin seconded the motion. The following vote was taken.
Chairman Gary W. Palmore Aye Faron H. Hamblin Aye
William L. Washington, IV Aye Barbara J. LeFon Aye
Harold W. Donovan Aye Mary Beth Bryant Aye
Councilman Phelps made a motion to approve the CUP for the American Open Combat Karate to operate a karate studio, fitness and martial arts, at 98 Main Street. Councilman Forrest seconded the motion.The following vote was taken.
Mark E. Milstead Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
William L. Washington, IV Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Ogle E. Forrest,Sr. Aye
Rebecca C. Hubert Aye
Chairman Gary W. Palmore concluded the Planning Commission hearing and adjourned.
Public Hearing
Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2016-2017
Chairman of the Finance Committee Randall L. Phelps stated that the committee has reviewed the budget and recommends to council and adds that there is no tax increase, no water or sewer increase and the reserves are healthy. Councilman Washington made a motion to approve the Budget for Fiscal Year 2016-2017. Councilman Phelps seconded the motion. The following vote was taken.
Mark E. Milstead Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
William L. Washington, IV Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Ogle E. Forrest,Sr. Aye
Rebecca C. Hubert Aye
VDOT – UPC#104689-Richmond Rd/Main St/Court Circle Pedestrian Safety Project- Robert Ridgell – Project Manager
Robert Ridgell introduced himself and talked about the Route 360 Pedestrian Project and stated the start date was May 5, 2016 and should be completed on July 18, 2016. The single lane closure should be from 9 to 3:00 and no holidays. The project cost is at $304,501.00.
Comments From Public
Larry Thorn then asked to speak and stated that he thought that the speed limit should be reduced to 25 mph starting at St. John’s church.
Approval of Minutes – April 14, 2016
Councilman Phelps made a motion to accept the April 14, 2016 minutes without addition or correction. Councilman Forrest seconded the motion. The following vote was taken.
Mark E. Milstead Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
William L. Washington, IV Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Ogle E. Forrest,Sr. Aye
Rebecca C. Hubert Aye
Financial Report – April 2016
Councilman Phelps made a motion to accept the April 2016 Financial Report. Councilman Washington seconded the motion. The following vote was taken.
Mark E. Milstead Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
William L. Washington, IV Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Ogle E. Forrest,Sr. Aye
Rebecca C. Hubert Aye
Mayor’s Report
Mayor Mark E. Milstead stated that there will be a dedication ceremony on May 30, 2016 in honor of Col. William A. Jones, III.
Mayor Mark E. Milstead read a Thank –You letter from the YMCA for the use of the Town Park for the Riverside Color Me Healthy 5K.
Mayor Mark E. Milstead introduced David Woolard and thanked him for the 15 years service with the Town of Warsaw and wished him the best of luck with his new job.
Utilities Committee
Chairman of the Utilities Committee Ogle E. Forrest, Sr., stated that David Woolard is looking out for us and has received a contract from Retaw Engineering for Operator-In-Responsible Charge for the Wastewater Treatment Plant for an operator with a valid Virginia Class 2 wastewater license to be the ORC for the soon to be vacant position.
This will give us some time to search for a replacement for David Woolard’s position at the wastewater treatment plant. Councilman Forrest made a motion to sign the contract with Retaw Engineering for a period as long as the Town requires services. Councilman Washington seconded the motion. The following vote was taken.
Mark E. Milstead Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
William L. Washington, IV Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Ogle E. Forrest,Sr. Aye
Rebecca C. Hubert Aye
Northern Neck Regional Jail Report
Larry Thorn came to the podium to give the NNRJ report. On the day of the board meeting, they had 148 federal prisoners. The letter of intent should include Gloucester to come aboard with the NNRJ. This is a win/win situation for the Town.
Planning Commission Report
Councilman Washington stated that the Planning Commission had a meeting prior to this meeting at 6:30.
Mayor Mark E. Milstead asked Chairman of the Ordinance Committee Councilwoman Hubert to have a meeting with the committee to set Park Rules.
Manager’s Report
The Interim Town Manager, Lee H. Capps, stated his report was in the council packages and he would not go thru all of it but if anyone had questions he would be glad to answer them.
He stated that the Planning Commission was going to start working on the Comprehensive Plan since the last revision was in 2013 and bring back recommendations to council for any changes.
The Town of Warsaw does not have any current emergency traffic designs.
Tire Amnesty is this Saturday, May 14, 2016 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Mark France and Chris Packett have collected tires from some of the abandoned lots in town.
New Business
Planning Commission Vacancy
Faron Hamblin term expires December 31, 2017
Councilman Phelps made a motion for Auriel Walker to be appointed to the Warsaw Planning Commission once Faron resigns since he was elected to Warsaw Town Council in May and will fill his term. Councilman Washington seconded the motion. The following vote was taken.
Mark E. Milstead Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
William L. Washington, IV Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Ogle E. Forrest,Sr. Aye
Rebecca C. Hubert Aye
Auriel Walker introduced herself to council and told council she would like to get involved in the local community, promote new business growth, ensure a safe environment for all families and encourage participation from all residents in making Warsaw the best town in the Northern Neck.
Mayor Milstead introduced Mathieu W. Sisk and welcomed him to the council meeting. Congratulations for being elected for Town Council in May.
Police Report
Chief Joan Kent took to the podium and told Council they could find the
monthly report in their packets. She asked if they had any questions. The next Triad meeting will be held May 26, 2016 at the Bay Transit Building at 9:30 a.m. and Sheriff Steve Smith is the speaker. Chief Kent also stated that they can assist with the unlock service and have been helping with the bus traffic at school.
Council Comments
Councilman Self stated that the election was a tight race and glad that more people from the town came out and voted. Welcome to Faron Hamblin and Mathieu Sisk and I look forward to working with both. We have accomplished a lot and it is a thankless job.
Councilman Phelps and Councilwoman Hubert agreed with Councilman Self.
Councilman Washington he stated that he is leaving something behind when he leaves the council and that is designing signs for and in the Town of Warsaw from the Park Sign and now working with the Boosters Club for sign Home of the Raiders. God Bless Warsaw
Councilman Forrest stated that it had been a pleasure working with Mark Milstead and William Washington and he welcomed Faron Hamblin.
Mayor Milstead stated he had one more month left and he asked Councilman Washington to see if he could work with the Art Teacher about getting the Art Class to work on one of the trees down where Tom Rhodes has with something about Rappahannock Raiders on it.
Closed Session
Councilman Yackel made a motion to convene into closed session as permitted by Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711(A)(1) relating to personnel action. Councilman Forrest seconded the motion. The following vote was taken.
Mark E. Milstead Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
William L. Washington, IV Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Ogle E. Forrest, Sr. Aye Rebecca C. Hubert Aye
Councilman Yackel reconvened in regular session and Council certified, by roll call vote, that, in the closed session just concluded, nothing was discussed except the matter (1) specifically identified in the motion to convene in closed session and (2) lawfully permitted to be so discussed under the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act cited in the motion. Councilman Forrest seconded the motion. The following are the roll call votes.
Mark E. Milstead Aye Ralph W. Self Aye
William L. Washington, IV Aye Paul G. Yackel Aye
Randall L. Phelps Aye Rebecca C. Hubert Aye
Ogle E. Forrest, Sr. Aye
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Milstead.
Susan M. Pemberton, Clerk of Council